This book contains articles written by Yang Taijiquan certified instructor, Keni Lee Burgess presented to his students weekly over the course of a year. They function not only as notes for the topics presented in class, but more importantly, they form a series of inspirational themes for the week's home practice ahead. By methodically addressing the concepts of Tai Chi daily, over the weeks, months, and years, an advanced refined practice can result. It is said, "Tai Chi is easy to learn, but hard to fix." Too much too quick, creates a confused state of practice. Too little too late, creates a dull monotonous task. This is a Tai Chi "Energy Workbook". It is meant to aid the student in the acquisition and application of knowledge. This will lead to critical thinking for oneself. Ultimately, we teach ourselves. Study and practice should be conducted in this manner; fostering independence and not dependency on the teacher.