50 V.C. Andrews paperback books to choose from. Here is a listing of the titles with the book series they are from and which books have the keyhole covers. All books are in very good to excellent condition. Build your own lot. All titles start at $3.99 each with discounts for multiple purchases and we do offer combined shipping.

Audrina Books
My Sweet Audrina

Broken Wings Books
Midnight Flight

Casteel Books
Fallen Hearts - keyhole
Web of Dreams - keyhole

Cutler Books
Dawn - keyhole
Midnight Whispers - keyhole

De Beers Books
Willow - keyhole
Wicked Forest - keyhole
Twisted Roots
Into the Woods

Delia Books
Delia's Crossing
Delia's Gift

Dollanganger Books
Christopher's Diary: Secrets of Foxworth
Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger
Secret Brother

Early Spring Books
Broken Flower
Scattered Leaves

Gemini Books
Celeste (second copy)

Heavenstone Books
The Heavenstone Secrets
Secret Whispers

House of Secrets Books
House of Secrets
Echoes in the Walls

Hudson Books
Rain - keyhole

Kindred Books
Daughter of Darkness
Daughter of Light

Landry Books
Ruby - keyhole
Pearl in the Mist - keyhole

Logan Books
Heart Song - keyhole
Unfinished Symphony - keyhole
Music in the Night - keyhole
Olivia - keyhole

Orphans Books

Secrets Books
Secrets in the Attic - keyhole
Secrets in the Shadows - keyhole

Shadows Books
April Shadows
Girl in the Shadows

Shooting Stars Books
Falling Stars - keyhole

Storms Books
Family Storms

The Forbidden Books
Forbidden Sister
Roxy's Story

The Mirror Sisters Books
Shattered Memories

Wildflowers Books

Standalone Novels
Into the Darkness