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The 5 Buckets

by Bobby Dysart

The more we are able to experience what we truly are, the more we are able to give of ourselves.Don't wait. Start small. Learn as you go.The 5 Buckets details a framework Bobby Dysart used to write his first book, build a community, and live his healthiest life. It gave him guidance when he needed it most. Now he gives it to you.By naming, organizing, and completing intentions, you establish a deeper connection to time and how you spend it. You discover who you want to be, where you want to go, and what you want to create. You find your Self.The 5 Buckets reveals a practice and insights to help you better enjoy:

  • Relationships - The people that support, shape, and guide you.
  • Creativity - The most powerful and most neglected skill.
  • Health - The vehicle for your journey.
  • Learning - The perception shaping your experience.
  • Work - The contribution you choose to offer the world.
Bobby shares his personal experience using the framework along with an Intention Guide to record intentions and reflections for twelve weeks.You have an opportunity to change how you live. You can live with intention. You can discover your authentic Self.But for it to happen, you gotta begin.You're invited to begin.Don't wait. Start small. Learn as you go.

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Author Biography

Bobby Dysart runs a consultancy helping early-stage software companies hire, train, and grow their sales teams. While navigating the isolation of 2020, Bobby rediscovered his passion for writing and self-development. He wrote The 5 Buckets, detailing a framework he adopted to keep himself sane and thriving during the pandemic. While he continues to help sales teams through his consulting work, his focus has shifted to helping himself and others live with intention. He shares short stories, interviews, and more in his weekly newsletter and podcast called Student of Intention. Bobby Dysart runs a consultancy helping early-stage software companies hire, train, and grow their sales teams. While navigating the isolation of 2020, Bobby rediscovered his passion for writing and self-development. He wrote The 5 Buckets, detailing a framework he adopted to keep himself sane and thriving during the pandemic. While he continues to help sales teams through his consulting work, his focus has shifted to helping himself and others live with intention. He shares short stories, interviews, and more in his weekly newsletter and podcast called Student of Intention.



  • Podcast and in-person reading tour
  • Appearances and promotions
  • Promotion through community, newsletter and music show
  • Excerpt from Book

    1) The Magic - Self-written poem illustrating the power of commitment, forgiveness, and love. I''ve always loved writing poetry but have resisted sharing it. The book aims to pull out what we have to share with the world so this opening example suits well. 2) Introduction - I share the catalyst for my journey of intention, The 5 Buckets Framework, and writing the book. While I''ve led a successful life, challenges in 2020 prompted me to reevaluate my approach. The words "pray for guidance", sung by a group leader, struck me during a September retreat. In that moment, I realized guidance was what I sought and I''d find it through a deeper connection to my actions. 3) The 5 Buckets - Internal and external distractions challenge our ability to live with intention. The 5 Buckets provides an effective practice to combatting those distractions while revealing the beauty of life''s smallest moments. In this section, I detail the steps of the practice (Plan, Complete, and Reflect) and The Buckets themselves: Relationships, Creativity, Health, Learning, and Work. I include a few examples from my own experience to collaborate with the reader and prompt action. 4) Living with Intention - I further lift the cloak on my experience to reveal to the reader how impactful the practice and journey have been for my life. I also share insights from authors, Dr Wayne Dyer and Steven Pressfield, to illustrate the power of living with intention. Finally, I share my mantra: Don''t wait. Start small. Learn as you go. It''s a simple, powerful message to invite the reader to begin. 5) The Relationship Bucket - I open with an intention and a short story then highlight the importance of relationships. This serves as my structure for the five "bucket" chapters. This first story details a beach walk with a new friend where we discover a subtle lesson about judgment. I write in first person and present tense as another way to show the reader the power of small moments. I also include questions, examples, and space to prompt the reader to record Relationship Bucket intentions. 6) The Creativity Bucket - I detail the moment I wrote the book''s opening "Magic" poem to introduce this section. Creativity is the most powerful and often most neglected skill. I share how writing, cooking, and play all help sharpen our creative knives. I also resurface the retreat mentioned in chapter 2 sharing an inspiring story about my friend Kenny''s experience playing the didgeridoo. As with the other bucket chapters, I invite the reader to record an intention. 7) The Health Bucket - We need clean lungs to breath deeply, strong hearts to fuel our body and sharp senses to take it all in. Self-care anchors the other areas of our lives. This section''s story describes a sunset beach run to trigger the reader''s affinity for nature, presence, and movement. I also share my vulnerability in the kitchen and a friend''s walking habit illustrating the power of small intentions. Lastly, I nudge the reader to add a few moments of health to their day rather than dwell on removing bad ones. 8) The Learning Bucket - Learning provides us perspective. We learn more about the lives we want to live and can better serve our purpose. A writing exercise from Julia Cameron''s The Right to Write anchors the section''s opening. I cite other favorite authors and books as additions to my learning bucket. I also argue we live in a time perfectly suited for self-education. Resources, courses, coaches, and books exist in abundance. And if we love something enough, we find time to learn about it. 9) The Work Bucket - Build for yourself then build for the rest of us. The world awaits your offering. In this section, I challenge the reader to share her gifts. These gifts need not be commercial and can come in the form of volunteering, chores, and service of any kind. I also provide a simple framework for breaking down any project into three parts. Finally, I assure the reader that her work (her gifts) gain value as she''s more intentional with the other buckets. As we practice The 5 Buckets, we better realize the value of our work and the time we spend doing it. 10) How to Begin - A conversation over coffee with my friend John Reed serves as the inspiration and opening story for this section. During the discussion, John asks, "How do people begin?". I answer by providing the reader a final nudge to think about a small moment they want to experience. Then suggest they act. I define living with intention as enjoying the pursuit of purpose. Finding gratitude for life''s small moments is key. It may even be the key. I wrap the chapter sharing how reflecting on a few intentions help me overcome a spell of fear, doubt and uncertainty. The fitting final words are those of the book''s mantra: Don''t wait. Start small. Learn as you go. 11) Tips, Trick, and Suggestions - A few pointers and definitions to help the reader transition to the workbook. 12) The Intention Guide - Instructions, space, and inspirational quotes created for the reader to record 12 weeks'' worth of intentions and reflections. If you take only one thing from reading this book, take a start. During my own experience using this framework, I have explored, succeeded and stumbled. When I face an obstacle, I overcome it through action. When I find momentum, I nurture it through reflection. We can be creative and efficient but above all else, we must begin. "Action is the food and drink which will nourish my success." - Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World

    Description for Sales People

    In April 2021, McKinsey study reveals 66% of US is reflecting on their purpose in life since Covid-19. And Millennials are three times more likely to say they are re-evaluating the work they do. People are craving purpose and intention. The 5 Buckets is a quick read with a journal component to help cede action for readers looking to find purpose and intention in their life. Author provides a newsletter, podcast and community for readers to engage further while or after they read the book at It has got a bright, vibrant cover that draws attention for pickup and purchase


    Author Bobby Dysart
    Language English
    Year 2021
    ISBN-10 1646870751
    ISBN-13 9781646870752
    Pages 130
    Format Hardcover
    Short Title The 5 Buckets
    Subtitle A Framework for Living with Intention
    Publisher Ideapress Publishing
    Country of Publication United States
    Imprint Think Twice Books
    Publication Date 2021-10-26
    AU Release Date 2021-10-26
    NZ Release Date 2021-10-26
    US Release Date 2021-10-26
    UK Release Date 2021-10-26
    DEWEY 158.1
    Audience General
