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The Bongles - Seasag Is Niseag

by Oscar Van Heek, Dean Queazy

Tha Seasag Albannach a' tighinn gu Eilean Bongle 's i a' flodanaich air hùbhair! Tha Eachann Eanchainn ag obrachadh a-mach glè luath mar a thionndaidheas e a' hùbhair gu pìob mhòr. Tha Seasag air a dòigh agus tòisichidh i a' cluich agus ann an ùine ghoirid tha na Bonglaich a' caismeachd sìos is suas air an tràigh. Ach tha am fuaim a' dùsgadh uilebheist bhon ghrunn. Ach 'eil fhios an e Niseag a th' ann?

Scottish Gaelic
Brand New

Author Biography

Oscar works as a writer, photographer and filmmaker. As a photographer, Oscar has recently completed THE IRON HARVEST - a film and photographic series commemorating WW1; he is currently working on WATERFALLS, an ambitious multimedia cross-platform project, blending of fine art photography, with app design and coffee table art book. Oscar has taught post-graduate MFA film, at the Screen Academy Scotland for 10 years, and is currently external examiner at the IADT in Dublin. Iain is a freelance artist specialising in illustration and multi-media film and video work. He has been a freelance artist for over 20 years and during his career has worked with many organisations including Scottish Opera, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Scottish Youth Theatre, Glasgow Film Theatre and Glyndebourne Theatre. He is also working as an illustrator for the Bongles project under the name Dean Queazy.


Author Dean Queazy
Pages 42
Publisher Sainted Media
Series The Bongles
Language Scottish Gaelic
Year 2022
ISBN-10 1838384979
ISBN-13 9781838384975
Publication Date 2022-09-30
UK Release Date 2022-09-30
Format Paperback
Imprint Sainted Media
Place of Publication Uddingston
Country of Publication United Kingdom
AU Release Date 2022-09-30
NZ Release Date 2022-09-30
Illustrator Dean Queazy
Audience Preschool (0-5)
