This is a nickel-plated 2-part needle cup with removable lid provided by Victor Talking Machine Co. with nearly all of their phonographs after about 1910 (except for the low-end models with no lid).  The idea was this: the two round bottom sections at each end were for UNUSED soft-tone and loud-tone needles. The nickle-plated cup in the center was for USED needles; the hole in the top was made small so no one would draw used ones out and re-use them.  When the cup was full, you took it out, removed the lid, and emptied it; then you put the lid back on it and replaced the cup in the wooden holder.  

The steel needles were only meant to be used ONCE only.

This example was salvaged from an upright Victrola case and includes the 2 screws which attached it to the case.  If you just want the nickel-plated cup (as these are often missing) you can just take this one out and place it directly into the holder on your Victrola.

Cup contains old needles - I will dump these out before shipping if you want.  Wood holder includes both original flat-head screws.

Needle Cup - this is about 1-9/16" in diameter and 1" tall
Wood holder - About 4-3/8" long by 1-3/4" wide by 1" tall