Clematis is a genus of over 250 species, most of which are woody to semi-woody deciduous vines climbing by twining leaf stalks or in some cases trailing over support, but in a few cases grow as freestanding or sprawling herbaceous perennials and small deciduous or evergreen shrubs. Most have flat, cupped or bell-shaped flowers. Some plants feature ornamental fluffy seed heads in autumn. Plants bear opposite, simple to compound leaves which are usually deciduous but sometimes evergreen. Compound leaves range from lobed to trifoliate to biternate to pinnate to bipinnate. 'Fireworks' is a deciduous, large-flowering, semi-woody climbing clematis vine which typically grows 8-12'. Features large bi-color flowers (7-8" in diameter). Each petal features a wide, deep pink stripe from tip to base that is edged with mauve. Blooms from late spring to early summer, with an additional but smaller late summer to early fall bloom occurring on new growth. Trifoliate green foliage. Clematis can be trained to climb a wall, trellis, fence, arbor, porch, lamppost or other stationary structure. They provides good architectural height and framework for small gardens. They can also be planted to sprawl over and through shrubs, scramble over old stumps or simply as a ground cover in conjunction with other flowering perennials. Containers.