Discover the inspiring story behind "The Meaning of Matthew: My Son's Murder in Laramie, and a World Transformed" by Judy Shepard. This gripping book, published in 2010 by Penguin Publishing Group, delves into the tragic events surrounding the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard and its impact on the world. With 288 pages full of heart-wrenching details and thought-provoking insights, this Uk-B format paperback is a must-read for anyone interested in social issues, true crime, and family dynamics.

Explore the topics of murder, LGBT studies, criminology, and sociology, among others, through the lens of Matthew's life and death. This English-language book measures 7.9 inches in length, 5.2 inches in width, and 0.6 inches in height, with a weight of 8.8 ounces. Perfect for fans of biography and autobiography, this book will leave you deeply moved and inspired.
