Random thoughts, some big and some small. Random thoughts, on life and love. Random thoughts, from sad too glad.

Sometimes in life, we have those moments, those thoughts that pop into our minds out of nowhere. A beautiful sunny day makes us think about a time in our life that brought us so much pleasure and sometimes pain. Precious moments with a loved one, or a special family gathering, perhaps during Christmas or birthdays, as we gather around the table, laughing, joking and enjoying each other. Or it can be a good friend, a loving pet, a sibling, or two. As we grow older and wiser, our thoughts and faith reflect on those special moments and thoughts. Precious memories of time gone by, of promises of a brighter future, while waiting in the present for the promises too manifest. All of us had these thoughts at one time in our lives. Author Judy Sevec's book, "Random Thoughts on Life & Love" makes us aware of their beauty.