PRACTICAL CLASSICS Magazine, September 1986 issue, 100 pages, main features include :-

TRIUMPH TR4/4A - 6 page buying article, what to look for, model history specifications, etc

LINCOLN ZEPHYR V12 - 5 and half page article describing the restoration of a 1937 car that has been in the same family since 1957

DAIMLER SPECIAL SPORTS - Part 1 of a series - 4 page article following a long term restoration of a 1949 car, this month initial report, stripdown and assessment

STANDARD SWALLOW - Long term restoration project, this month installing a fabric roof

MINI  - Long term restoration project, this month the final part of painting and reassembly of this 1959 car by LINDSAY PORTER

Other articles feature an article on metalworking - unusual tools for the DIY workshop, plus all other usual features.