Medal No. 3 - Noah's Ark

G-d saw the low level of morality to which humanity had descended. Violence and corruption had filled the earth and He decided to bring about a flood in order to purify the world. Noah was an outstandingly righteous and pious man in this generation and G-d commanded him to build an ark, which was to save him, his family, as well as G-d's living creatures, from the flood. Noah's family, male and female of every living species, 7 couples of each of the animals and birds designated by G-d as "pure", 2 of each of the "impure" species, entered the ark. The flood lasted for forty days and forty nights and subsided completely, only months later.

The medal depicts the moment when Noah and the animals came out of the ark and looked upon the new, purified world. Above them is the dove with the olive branch in its beak, which announced the diminishing water level of the flood.

Medal Specifications:

Metal: Silver/999

Finish: Proof

Diameter: 38.7mm

Weight: 31.1g

Medal Designs:
Faces - Aharon Shevo,
Reverse – Yaacov Enyedi

Sculpting and Engraving: Tidhar Dagan