Medal No. 21 – King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

Solomon's reign was one of peace and splendor. Monarchs and citizens of the neighboring countries were impressed and spoke of his riches and wisdom. The Queen of Sheba, hearing of the talented and prosperous King, decided to come on a historic expedition to Jerusalem to test his wisdom. She came with a caravan of camels, laden with luxurious gifts of spices, gold and precious stones. Coming before Solomon, she posed three hard questions she had prepared. Her visit also had a stately purpose; she convinced the King of Israel not to harm the trade of the nomadic tribes of Arabia who transported merchandise on camels. Solomon was able to answer all the Queen's questions and she was most impressed to witness the wisdom and glory about which she had heard.

The royal visit is depicted on the medal.

Medal Specifications:

Metal: Silver/999

Finish: Proof

Diameter: 38.7mm

Weight: 31.1g

Medal Designs:
Faces - Aharon Shevo,
Reverse – Yaacov Enyedi

Sculpting and Engraving: Tidhar Dagan