Original boxed Series 15 through 21 Berliner Zinnfiguren signed by Werner Scholtz.  The pieces are all numbered, but I'm not sure what the numbers designate.  These are hand cast, historically accurate pewter military figures and artillery created by Scholtz.  I believe they are from the 1950's or 1960's.   There appears to be 31 pieces in the box, but I am not sure if the set is complete.  Here is what is listed on the label:

15: Prinz Eugen-Lied 1717
16a,16b: Nordischer Krieg 1706
17a,17b: Haffubergang durch d. GroBen Kurfursten 1679
18: Theodor Korner im Biwak bei Gadebusch 1813
19: Ruckzug Napoleons in RuBland 1812
      a: Portraits, Stabsfig.               b: Jager z. Pfd. d. Kaiserg.
      c: Gren. d. Alten Garde           d:  Verschledene Kavallerie
      e: Linleninfanterie.                   f:  Liniensappeure
      g: Artillerie, Train                     h:  Kosaken, Irregulare
      i:  Bayr., Wurttembg. Inf.          j:  Wolfe, Beiwerk
      k: Wintergeholze
20: Fahnenverbrennung
21: Napol. a. d. Kremim. 1812

I am also including a small bag (see photo #16) that came with the set that has various tiny pieces of figurines that are unidentifiable, probably broken off from larger pieces, or from another set.  The 31 figurines included in this box are unbroken.   The largest figurines measure 3 1/2" in length and 2" in height.   Some of them are very unusual, with wolves attacking a horse (see photo #10) and a soldier getting ready to shoot his horse (see photo #11).  Six of the figurines are in their original bright pewter finish, including six weapons and pieces of artillery/guns.  Six have been painted in red and gray, and 13 have been painted in gray.  You could either paint over those, or remove the paint to restore them to their original pewter finish.  The original box with label is included.  It measures 11" in length by 4 1/2" in width by 3/4" in height.  

Berliner Zinnfiguren was founded by Werner Scholtz (1904 - 1976) in 1934 in Berlin, Germany, and specialized in historical tin soldiers.  These figures are hand cast miniatures which are correct down to the minutest detail and are developed in cooperation with international museums, as well as social and military historians.  These figures are fascinating collector's items, manufactured by artists for connoisseurs.  They comprise more than 1,000 complete series (scenes) and hundreds of figures depicting social and military history.  They are exquisitely handcrafted of the highest quality using the finest alloys with exact historical detail and accurate reference material.