History Bian stone
Bian stone therapy is one of humanity's oldest medical practices. The Bian-stone technique refers to the use of stone-based equipment to perform massaging, heating and other operations. The devices are called bian stone tools. Bian-stone includes both the bian-stone technique and the tool. When used in medical institutions for therapeutic purposes, it is referred to as Bian-stone treatment.

Before acupuncture and moxibustion appeared, ancient Chinese people selected certain kinds of stone and ground it into a therapeutic tool that featured a sharp tip or an edge. Such shapes allowed the stone to be applied to the human body in different ways. The puncturing and pressing methods eventually evolved into acupuncture, while the heated-stone application evolved into moxibustion. A classic book notes that bian-stone treatment originated in the east of China, but moxibustion came from the North, where people had to warm themselves by fire.

Known by three names - Needle Stone, Arrow-headed Stone, and Bian Stone - these stones were used in primitive society as a special medicinal tool. Excavations of New Stone Age ruins in Asia recovered multiple Bian-stone needles of varying lengths from multiple locations. The recovered stone needles have different ends for different procedures, including blood-letting, qi (energy) regulation, and incising.

This technique disappeared during the Han Dynasty, due to the introduction and use of iron. The source of the material for making Bian-stone has been identified as Sibin Floating Stone. Bian stone appliances have since been devised and developed and therapeutic techniques explored.

Bian-stone is the first technique among the four major ancient medical practices of the “Yellow Emperor” (they are: Bian-stone, Acupuncture, moxibustion, herbs/drugs.)


