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The Black Lorenza

by Antonio Bellido Marin

Based on real events. Between the years 1970 to 1993, the population of Mozambique endured two wars - one of liberation and a bloody civil one. The international community abandons Mozambique to its fate and all international humanitarian aid agencies, including the International Red Cross, disappear. Mozambique is declared a state failed, becoming the fourth poorest country in the world. Under these circumstances, Lorenza, who owns a bar on the beach in Maputo, is denounced as a collaborator and is not allowed to travel to the city of Porto where her husband and children - all Portuguese citizens - are waiting for her. Her family has no news and she is added to the list of disappeared. In this state of affairs is where all the action takes place - where the human miseries and heartbreak suffered by its characters are narrated.

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Author Biography

Este libro es la adaptacin de la novela La Negra Lorenza de Antonio Bellido a guion cinematogrfico por el propio autor. La novela original est escrita en idioma espaol y el guion en idioma ingls.


Author Antonio Bellido Marin
Pages 118
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781446643228
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2023-12-05
Place of Publication London
Country of Publication United Kingdom
Audience General
UK Release Date 2023-12-05
