There is absolutely no doubt that running is one of the best forms of exercise on this planet.

Swimming, cycling, rowing, skipping and resistance training are all excellent ways of burning fat and losing weight....

...Yet, none burn as many calories as a good run! Running is the best weight loss solution, bar none.

I've been running track, distance races since I was 17. During that time my weight has fluctuated some (to be honest) but using the information in this book I was able to burn it all right back off in quickly and easily!

Whether you are a beginner or expert...I'm going to lay out everything you need to know about running for weight loss in my brand new book!

Weight loss is pretty simple concept but too much advertising and too many "hot products" hav made it confusing so I'm going to make "Running for Weight Loss" very easy for you!

You ready? Good... Ready... Steady... Go!

Here is just a sample of what you will learn:

Right now Running for Weight Loss is on sale for the next 1,000 copies. At that point we will raise the price 19.99 so get your discounted copy while supples last!