This book, "Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today" by John Stott, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the art of preaching in the twentieth century. The author explores the topic of Christian ministry and offers practical advice for those looking to improve their preaching skills. With 351 pages of insightful information, this textbook is a must-read for religious scholars and practitioners alike.

The publication year of 1982 does not affect the relevance of the content, and the book is still a relevant source of information today. The item is a book in other format, measuring 9 inches in length, 6 inches in width, and 0.9 inches in height, weighing 11 ounces. The title is categorized under "Books & Magazines" and "Books" and is published by Eerdmans Publishing Company, William B. Don't miss out on this exceptional book!