We Can Pretty Much Foresee Never Seeing Fiddleback Ambrosia Spalted Maple Like This Again In Our Lifetime!
Large Enough for Super Jumbo or Bass!

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

Size: Super Jumbo/Bass with Headplate

Fiddleback: Lv.4 - Exceptional

Ambrosia Lv.1 - Light

Spalting: Lv.4 - Exceptional

Bending Difficulty: 4

Janka: 950lbf - Higher

Average Weight: 38lbs - Average

Stiffness to Weight: 43,157lbf - Higher

Fundamentals: Strong/Clear Mids and Highs

Overtones: Slight/Shimmery Highs

Frequency: Mids to Highs

Attack: Quick

Decay: Short-Medium

I know everyone's been waiting for more of this Maple. The sets from this billet and the other billets I put up are all that's left from this tree!

Red Maple is exclusive to Eastern North America. Some Red Maples are incredibly variable. Some can be harder than Rock Maple. With its higher stiffness to weight ratio, harder Red Maple can have the best of both Soft and hard Maples. This piece is one of those exceptions. This log was sold to me as Rock Maple because of its hardness. That means it will have the sustain of hard Hard Maple and the midrange and power of Soft Maple.
Maple is constantly lumped into one group. Soft Maple and Hard Maple are very different woods. Rock Maple is high end focused and all fundamentals. Soft Maple, especially Silver Maple, the softest of the maples, is in the medium and highs with little overtones and more attack and less sustain than Hard Maple. Box Elder is the loudest of the Maples. 


All figured wood can be a challenge to bend. The light spalting in this set will help make bending a little easier. For the best results use a compression strap. Not just a piece of spring steel, but one that has stops on the end and actually compresses the wood around your form. Soak for a few hours before bending. Then let dry to raise the moisture content. MC should be 12 to 16%.  Do not bend wet! For least amount of spring back and the most stability, allow MC to drop back down to 8-10% before moving.

Harvested in central Pennsylvania!

 Nyle's low temp. dehumidification kilned to 6%. Equalized and conditioned.


Shipping charge is by location. Multiple items will be combined in one box.


Drum sanded thicknessing upon request! Just send me a message as soon as you buy.








(Dimensions listed in "Item specifics".)

*At least one face surfaced to 120 grit*

*Shown with and without solvent*

*Example MOE of Rosewood or Spruce: 32,076 / 59,259*

I'm looking for feedback. Please leave me notes as far as how you prefer part dimensions and construction or species you'd like me to change or supply.


