When the two horned demons--the greatest discovery of all time--escape their giant sealed amber cell and leave a trail of mutilated victims, the three major empires must follow these creatures into another dimension.  

Three galactic empires and their spheres of influence coexisted in uneasy proximity. The empires were led by completely different life forms, with only one thing in common: demons. Each had a legend of humanoid creatures with hooves and horns, unspeakably evil. The similarity of the legends across the galaxy had led to speculation that they had some basis in fact ...

Now explorers have discovered the bodies of two horned creatures, gigantic in stature, perfectly preserved, and as they realized in the last few seconds of their lives, not dead at all.

But the legends also agreed that the real danger a demon represented was to one's soul. The desperate humans and other beings who answered the distress signal of the doomed expedition would find out the truth behind that part of the legend as well ...

About the Author

Bill Chalker is a leading UFO researcher based in Sydney, Australia, with a background in chemistry and mathematics. He has contributed to such publications as Rolling Stone and Reader's Digest, and has written a book, The OZ Files, about the Australian UFO story.