Stormguard Premium Metal Letter Box Cover Draught Excluder With Brush & Flap - Chrome


Silver Chromed Finish Black Brush Colour coordinating cover. 

Pre drilled screw holes Screws included 

Full fitting instructions included 

Simple to fit Dimensions Covers apertures upto 267mm x 76mm 

Overall Dimensions - 293mm x 77mm 

Advantages of Draught Proofing - As a rough guide, fitting draught proofing can reduce your heating bill by £8-10/year per window or door. Your house or commercial property will lose heat during cold weather partly due to poor thermal insulation, but also due to air infiltration or the permeability of the building. Infiltration or permeability is measured in metres cubed per hour per square metre of floor area. 

A typical building built 1900 to 1990 will loose around 15-25 metre cubed of air per hour per square meter of floor area. This is due to natural leakage through the fabric of the building, but largely through gaps around windows and doors. Good use of draft proofing could reduce your air permeability to around 10-15 meters cubed per hour which is a good low cost way of reducing you heating bills. In addition to saving money on your energy bills, these letterbox draught excluder are also recommended by the police as an excellent anti theft device as it helps to prevent important keys being stolen via the 'hook and grab' method