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Track And Copy

by Visual Treasure Chest

Focusing is an essential cognitive skill that enables us to concentrate on a particular task or information while ignoring distractions. It involves selectively allocating our attention and effort towards a specific goal or objective, and it requires mental discipline and self-control. Focusing can be challenging, especially in today's world where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions from various sources such as social media, emails, and notifications. Research has shown that practicing focusing skills can enhance our cognitive abilities, increase our productivity, and improve our overall well-being.Visual skills are a set of abilities related to the processing and interpretation of visual information. Strong visual abilities are important for many everyday tasks, such as reading, writing, driving, playing sports, and navigating through the environment. Improving visual skills can be achieved through various methods, such as performing eye exercises, for example, tracking moving objects or focusing on objects at different distances, and engaging in activities that require hand-eye coordination, for instance, drawing or copying patterns.Visual skills and focus are closely related because both involve the ability to concentrate and pay attention to visual information. Visual skills, such as visual tracking, visual perception, and visual memory, rely on the ability to focus on and process visual information. Similarly, focus is necessary for the brain to effectively use visual skills to interpret and make sense of visual information.The aim of this book is to help readers improve their ability to focus and develop stronger visual skills. The workbook contains exercises at three different levels, each designed to challenge and improve the reader's visual skills and focus. The tasks involve tracking and copying a given pattern, which requires the reader to pay close attention to the details and use their visual skills to accurately reproduce the pattern. The exercises are structured in a way that gradually increases in difficulty as the reader progresses through the levels. The execution of every exercise requires more attention and concentration as the level increases, which helps to build and improve the reader's ability to focus.This book can be a helpful resource for anyone looking to improve their focus and visual skills, regardless of age. It is also a useful tool for teachers, therapists, tutors, and parents who support patients or students in developing and mastering visual skills and focusing.Exercises list Level easy

  • 1-5 - 3x3 grids - 12 patterns on every page
  • 6-10 - 4x4 grids - 9 patterns on every page
Level medium
  • 11-17 - 6x6 grids - 3 paterns on every page
  • 18-24 - 10x10 grids - 2 patterns on every page
Level hard
  • 25-30 - 19x19 grids - one pattern on every page
Extra pages
  • empty grids for every level of difficulty

Brand New


Author Visual Treasure Chest
Pages 66
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798399339344
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-06-22
Imprint Independently Published
Subtitle Exercises to improve focus and visual skills
Audience General
