"Silent Firearms " by Popenker ( author " Soviet Kalashnikov machine guns" book )published in 2024, Sankt Petersburg, Russia.
Hard cover, Russian text , hundreds color illustrations and photos.
304 pages. 

This book was written about silent weapons and their development from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. They divided it into two parts. In the first part, we outlined the theory: we talked about what noise is, how and in what units it is measured. For a more accurate description, we examined the noise of different weapons. Also, they added an explanation of why there are practically no silent weapons now.

In the second part, all silent weapons were divided into four types. You will see such a presentation of the material here for the first time. They also shared information about silencers and systems for these weapons in different countries of the world. Thus, they presented a diagram of the silent cartridge of the Frenchman Louis Debuy, the silent SSU ammunition, which was manufactured for the Yugoslav special forces.

They told us why ordinary citizens used silencers. Thus, they explained why not everyone in the United States could afford them and how these devices operated in special military operations. The AS silent assault rifle and the VSS rifle were described separately. Presented their illustrations.

The book used materials from archives. Published rare collections of weapons. They presented color spreads of pictures, full view and cross-sectional diagrams of weapons. Now you can see everything in this book.

Author: Maxim Rudolfovich Popenker, writer, programmer, author of 4 books on the topic of weapons. He served in the Russian Armed Forces and Air Defense Forces. Works of M.R. Popenker is published not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Table of contents

Preface 6

Part 1. General idea of ​​silent weapons 7

1.1. What is noise 7

1.2. What units is noise measured in? 9

1.3. Methods for measuring the sound of a shot 12

1.4. Why do you need to reduce the sound of a shot 13

1.5. Which shot can be considered silent 14

1.6. Sources of noise when firing 16

1.7. Ways to reduce the sound of a gunshot 19

1.8. Terminology: PBS, muffler, moderator... 20

1.9. Shot sound muffler device 21

1.10. Side effects from using silencers 26

1.11. Specific problems with installing silencers on certain types of weapons 29

1.12. Muffler care 31

1.13. Special cartridges of “classic” design for silent shooting 34

1.14. Cartridges with cut-off of powder gases 36

1.15. Types of silent weapons 39

1.16. Application of mufflers 40

Part 2. History of the development of silent weapons 49

2.1. Weapons with shot silencers for special operations 49

2.2. Weapons with “tactical” shot sound suppressors 184

2.3. Weapons with cut-off of powder gases in a closed volume 246

2.4. Other low noise firearms systems 298

Bibliography 303