Todos los propietarios conscientes de la vida acuática conocen la importancia de la limpieza y mantenimiento regular del acuario; los guantes de acuario premium hacen que esta tarea sea más fácil y más agradable. Los puños elásticos inteligentes y la longitud precisa de estos prácticos guantes te dan la confianza de usarlos sin ninguna posibilidad de fugas de agua y mojarte las mangas. La textura antideslizante evita que se resbale y caiga accidentalmente tus preciosos corales, beta, rocas vivas y delicadas decoraciones. El exterior de los fiables guantes de acuario está fabricado con una mezcla de látex y PVC para crear una superficie duradera y texturizada segura para usted y su mascota peces. Un lujoso forro interior de cachemira suave no solo mantiene tus manos y brazos secos, sino también calientes en invierno. Si tienes piel sensible o reacciones alérgicas potenciales al agua del acuario o a la vida marina, los guantes de acuario son una opción ideal; las características únicas ayudan a prevenir cualquier posibilidad de contacto con la piel. Por otro lado, los guantes ayudan a prevenir la posible contaminación de tu acuario y hermosas criaturas de agua. Convierte una tarea tediosa en un tiempo de unión satisfactorio con tus peces de mascotas y especímenes acuáticos con los guantes de acuario confiables.
More Effective Than Scrub Brush --- Using a long scrub brush to clean your aquarium may be suitable for quick work, but for a thorough process, it is best to put on some gloves and get in there yourself. ’s 2 Rubber Aquarium Gloves are perfect for reaching deep into your fish tank and wiping all the nooks and crannies of your underwater environment with a handheld scrubber.
Keep Hands and Arms Dry --- At a length of 22” (56cm), the pair of Aquarium Gloves keep your hands and arms dry when working in your fish tank. Depending on the size of the wearer, the rubber gloves reach above the elbow on most people, making it easy to roll up your sleeves and get to work. The rubberized glove ensures that no water seeps through your hands and remains dry during the entire process.
Carefully Handle Sensitive Organisms --- Some aquatic organisms are highly sensitive to touch and don’t like to be moved around much. When working with live coral, anemone, life rock, and other delicate marine life, it is best to use rubber gloves like these from . Wearing gloves will shield both you and your aquatic pets and plants.
High Quality Rubberized Material --- Keeping durability and convenience in mind, the Aquarium Gloves are constructed using only the highest quality rubber. This superior material is impermeable to water and will not leak. It is possible to poke holes in the rubber, so avoid anything sharp or pointy. A long-lasting pair of gloves can be used and reused for years when cared for and kept properly.
Elastic Grip Band for Extra Security --- At the top of the long rubber aquarium gloves is an elastic band that tightly yet gently grips onto your arm. The arm grip not only provides extra security by holding the glove in place, but it also restricts any stray splashes of water from getting in through the top of your glove.