Handmade Varnished wooden brass topped Ouija Planchette, sat witting a velvet lined beautifully crafted Handmade Dark Wooden Box, adorned with brass hinges and handles. FREE UK DELIVERY

From its inception in 1890 by Elijah Bond, the term "ouija" has become deeply embedded in popular culture. This parlor game has consistently captured public fascination, finding its place in myriad narratives and spectral chronicles. Notably, it played a pivotal role in "The Exorcist," where a young girl's interaction with a Ouija board leads to demonic possession. Yet, amid these narratives, a crucial element often remains overshadowed—the Planchette.

The significance of electricity in facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses within our cerebral network, enabling cognition, movement, and sensation, is widely acknowledged. This intricate process, however, extends beyond humans, as plants employ electrical signals to communicate defense mechanisms against aphids. Even sunlight, an electromagnetic emission from the sun; holds relevance here.

At the core of this discourse lies the force of electricity, an intrinsic component of the natural world that underpins consciousness itself. With great pleasure, we unveil the Original Brass Topped Ouija Planchette—an innovation that forges an authentic electrical linkage among participants, transcending conventional boundaries.

- Aleister D. Rivail