New Kangen Leveluk K8 Water Filter Machine - 7 Types of PH water settings - Chemical free water Made In Japan.

Healthy water healthy life. Convert tap water into Kangen alkaline water using high-tech process of electrolysis.

4% of death from diseases arise from drinking poor quality water

– World Health Organisation

Kangen Water@ with its world leading ionizer and water filtration machine can help.

Healthy water means a healthy life

Why drink Kangen water?

• It is clean and pure, antioxidant rich with incredible taste

• It is filled with life enhancing minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and more

• It hydrates the body quickly for better health

• It eliminates acidic waste from the body

• It revitalises body cells

The Kangen Water​@​ System is compact and easy to install in any home or office.

Not all water is created equal

More Benefits of Alkalised Water

Water makes up over 70% of our body. Water naturally carries more substances than any other liquid found on Earth, including vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Kangen Water@ is the best and it offers many health benefits. 


• Hydrates the body at the cellular and prevents chronic dehydration

• Helps combat acidity in the body

• Addresses the root cause of inflammation and organ damage.

• Helps reverse acid -alkaline imbalance

• Prevents acidosis

• Used in hospitals in Japan as part of treatment

Crohn’s Disease

• Alkalised water helps balance the body pH.

• Flushes out acidic waste from the body and protects the membranes of the blood vessels

• Cleanses the digestive tract and aids with the digestion process

• Facilitates easy flow of blood through blood vessels

• Effective at removing toxins and waste from the body


• Acidic Water pH 4.0-6.0 hydrates the body to lower risk of skin damage

• Increases level of antioxidants to fight toxic elements in the body called free radicals

• Promotes a youthful outlook with heightened energy levels

• Naturally moisturizes skin from the inside out, giving you a fresh looking complexion and a beautiful glow

• Encourages healthier skin free of wrinkles and spots

• Nourishes hair quality for a youthful look

• Beauty water 6.0pH for beautiful skin and hair care.

Back Pains

• It hydrates the body quickly for better health

• It eliminates acidic waste from the body

• It revitalises body cells

• Alkalised water eliminates chronic dehydration and acidosis

• Alkalised water removes acidic waste from the body that burdens adrenals, thyroid, kidneys and immune system

• Rehydrates body at cellular level and protects body buffering systems

• Reverses loss of alkaline minerals in the body, caused by acidity in the body.

• Reduces chances of leaching of minerals from the bones usually caused by acidity

• Bringing the body into positive balance aids post delivery recovery

Weight Loss

• Drinking alkalised water flushes out acidity in the body which helps weight loss

• Quenches thirst fast and reduces the urge to eat

• Provides clean energy for the brain and helps avoid storage of fat from excess food intake

• Alkalised water activates the fat burning enzymes and helps break up fat reserves in the body

Sports Performance and Recovery

• Prevents injury and reduces inflammation

• Helps clear lactic acid out of the body system

• Hydration with alkalised water allows faster absorption eliminating feeling of bloating

• Helps recovery from injuries

• Aids fitness levels, optimal performance and endurance

• Assist with electrical transmission in the body, more oxygen gets to the cell increasing VO2 max.

Strong Disinfectant & Hand Sanitizer

• Strong acidic water 2.5pH for disinfecting homes, kitchens, countertops, nursing homes, businesses, cross contamination etc.

• Acidic water kills all the germs and bacteria. It is a natural sanitizer for your hands and body – chemical free

Natural Fruits & Veggies Cleaner

• Strong alkaline water 11.5pH for cleaning fruits & vegetables, ​food preparation, washing dishes, stain removal

• Alkalised water 8.5-9.5pH for cooking and drinking

Making your own Kangen Water®

Producing healthy alkaline water at your convenience has never been easier with world leading ionizers – specially made equipment that uses a high-tech process of electrolysis to restructure your tap water into alkalized water

• Kangen Water is produced using an ionizer

• Uses a high-tech process of electrolysis to restructure your tap water

• Connects easily to your kitchen faucet

• Transforms tap water into alkalized, ionized water or acidic if you wish

• Products of Japan-based Enagic International – the leading manufacturer of alkaline ionizers in the world

• Presence in 38 locations around 23 countries

• Certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 13485