This Set Has a Single Piece of Hackberry for the Back! Cut From Live Edge to Live Edge of a 16" Wide Tree! 

Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)

Fiddleback: Lv.1 - Light

Size: 000/OM* and Headplate

Bending Difficulty: 1

Janka: 880lbf - Average

Average Weight: 37lbs - Higher

Stiffness to Weight: 32,162lbf - Average

Fundamentals: Average

Overtones: Average

Frequency: Mid Ranged with Loud Highs and Woody Bass

Attack: Medium

Decay: Slow

Part of my one piece back series. This set has some light, but tight, fiddleback on the back plate! The side are quartersawn at 90⁰! The backs are cut from right above the pith so that 80% of the back is quartersawn grain.

This wood grows exclusively in eastern North America.  Hackberry is perfect for beginners. It is by far the easiest wood I've ever bent and hold its shape! Its also fairly loud and powerful.


Although Hackberry is about average as far as stability goes, and holds its shape ounce bent, it does not like the post office. Make sure you ALWAYS sticker and weight it down as soon as you get the package! Allow it to acclimate while stickered for a week or it will be cranky!

Harvested in central Pennsylvania!


Nyle's low temp. dehumidification kilned to 6%. Equalized and conditioned.


Shipping charge is by location. Multiple items will be combined in one box.


Drum sanded thicknessing upon request! Just send me a message as soon as you buy.








(Dimensions listed in "Item specifics".)

*At least one face surfaced to 120 grit*

*Example MOE of Rosewood or Spruce: 32,076 / 59,259*

*This back will technically fit a dreadnaught at 15¾ lower bout. It will just make the span, so only plan on a Dreadnaught if your using binding. My Dreadnaught template is oversized by a quarter inch total across the bout, so I used a 000 template for the tracing. The second picture shows a Dreadnaught template*

I'm looking for feedback. Please leave me notes as far as how you prefer part dimensions and construction or species you'd like me to change or supply.


