Untested, unknown condition, parts only, one is missing a belt clip.  Batteries included unknown as to whether they will charge.  Some corrosion in the battery compartment.  see the pictures what you see is what you get

This Radioshack BTX-126 transceiver walkie talkie set includes two units, but they are being sold as parts only and are untested. These units may require repair or may be used for parts. The brand is Radioshack and the model number is BTX-126. The walkie talkies have two channels and fall under the categories of Walkie Talkies, Two-Way Radios, Radio Communication, and Consumer Electronics. Please note that the condition of these units is unknown, but they may have potential for repair or for being used as spare parts. Despite being untested, these Radioshack walkie talkies have a model number of BTX-126 and have two channels.