Ensure your new puppy receives the texture and taste he craves with Puppy Chow Tender & Crunchy dry puppy food. Crafted with real beef, this high-protein dry dog food for puppies boasts 30% more protein than the leading adult dog food, providing a delicious blend of tender chunks and crunchy kibble that keeps him satisfied at mealtime.

Each serving is enriched with 100% essential nutrients, including DHA for the specialized nutrition puppies require to develop big and strong. Incorporate this puppy dog kibble into his daily feeding routine, and watch as the mix of flavor and texture satisfies his hunger while he transitions into his active adult years.

Puppy Chow Tender and Crunchy puppy food lays the foundation for a healthy, active life by providing the building blocks of puppy nutrition. With real beef and the Healthy Start blend, this formula offers high-quality protein along with DHA for brain and vision development, ensuring your puppy receives 100% of the essential nutrients he needs during his first year.

Indulge your puppy with the savory Beef and Rice recipe packed in a 15-pound bag, formulated for developing digestive systems and highly digestible for optimal health and growth.