The module consists of five books :

The first one, which is introductory, revises and develops ideas about probability and introduces some techniques that will be used frequently in the module.

The second book develops models for events occurring in time, including the Poisson process and several extensions of it, and patterns in space, including models for random scatter and clustering of objects.

The third book develops models for processes in which events can occur only at discrete time points, such as a Bernoulli process. This includes practical situations such as the ruin of a gambler and the extinction of a family surname.

In the fourth book, probability models are developed for situations in which events can occur at any time. Examples include queues, the spread of epidemics, and the change in the size of a population due to births and deaths.

In the fifth book, models are developed for various situations, including genetics, the renewal of components, and the change in stock market prices.

Some very useful supplementary materials are also provided to get the discerning students ahead of the pack!

- M343 Handbook - GOOD CONDITION 

- M343 Past Exam Paper - GOOD CONDITION

- Sample CMA/TMA Booklet 

Specimen Exam Paper LIKE NEW

- Specimen Exam Solution LIKE NEW