Thank you for your interest.

All "Artifacts" are from family members. Not an "estate sale," but it's time to let them go.

Be well.

💎 10 Facts About Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

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Vintage/Antique Handmade 14K Gold/
Lapis Lazuli Ring

* Shown In 1st 6 Photos

*Other Shots & Video Include Different Works Available

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What is Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli is a metamorphic rock composed mainly of lazurite and minerals like calcite and pyrite.  Usually flecked with golden or white inclusions, it's known for its deep blue color.  Since ancient times, this exquisite gemstone has been prized for its beauty and spiritual attributes.


Lapis Lazuli carries profound symbolic meanings. It is often associated with wisdom, truth, and enlightenment. Lapis Lazuli has long been revered as a royal stone, denoting strength, and enlightenment. It is thought to improve inner vision, self-awareness, and communication.


THIS LISTING Is For Lapis Ring

We have a vast collection of everything imaginable, from coins to aircraft.
Antique and modern. African, American (Native & South), Asian As Well.

---Where did these come from? Estate auction?

Thank you for your interest.

All Native American artifacts listed were crafted and used by a family member. Not an estate sale, but it's time for us to let them go.

Be well.