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Maker Camp

by Delanie Horton-Fessler

Date of publication taken from publisher's website.

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Publisher Description

Classic and innovative hands-on projects for kids ages 3 and up designed to teach both heritage skills and how to think creatively.Classic and innovative hands-on projects for kids ages 3 and up designed to teach both heritage skills and how to think creatively.Handcraft is part of human nature- we build, we create, we innovate. The 20+ projects in this book from an experienced art educator weave a story of human innovation and creativity, from the very beginnings of building shelters in the woods to tinkering with recycled materials. Heritage skills teach children how to be independent and capable makers; fiber and wood projects offer rewarding crafts that also teach planning, preparation, and safe risk taking; and tinkering activities connect the low-tech process of making and doing with innovation. From soap carving and knot tying to building toy cars and junk robots, this book brings the fun of making things with your hands to young kids and links skills of the past with the present.The book also explores how to set up a maker space and teaches foundational workshop practices that can easily be applied to the home studio. Each project offers extensions for different ages and abilities and provides guiding questions to enrich the experience for both the maker (teacher/parent) and the apprentice (child) to encourage and celebrate creative, practical play.

Author Biography

DELANIE HOLTON-FESSLER is a teacher, maker, mom of two boys, and the founder of The Craftsman & Apprentice, a heritage craft-inspired workshop in Denver, Colorado. She grew up playing in the woods and making messes, lots of art, and her own clothes. She became an elementary school art teacher in 2004 and received a master's in education in 2009. In 2011, she completed 100 paintings in 100 days, and her accompanying blog, Drawing a Blank, helped her lay the philosophical framework for living a creative life with kids. She has also worked as a project-based learning specialist and as a professional artist.She opened The Craftsman & Apprentice in 2014 with a simple mission- to make things with people. The C&A community now hosts over 500 workshops each year and serves over 300 campers each summer. Delanie has worked with schools, museums, and businesses to provide community-based maker experiences, and she's lectured on workspace aesthetics and the power of creative play and handcraft tradition.

Promotional "Headline"

Classic and innovative hands-on projects for kids ages 3 and up designed to teach both heritage skills and how to think creatively.

Excerpt from Book

12 Best Practices for Creative Work: The Shop Model The founding principles to our work at The Craftsman & Apprentice are what we call "the Shop Model." When we first began to think about opening The Craftsman & Apprentice, my husband, Jon, and I would talk at length about what we love about being makers. Jon is a master stonemason who learned his trade over the course of many years as an apprentice. We would ask ourselves, "How do we know what we know?" and "How do we do our best work?" We also talked about all the things we''ve loved about being part of a creative community. When we boiled it all down, we realized that making things and learning how to make things with our hands is best done in community, in real-life proximity to other people all learning and creating together while we change and grow over time. We''re meant to seek feedback, to collaborate, to learn from our elders. When we learn from one another, we all benefit. It''s human nature to build upon the practices and innovations of others. The Shop Model, then, is a set of working practices developed out of working in studio and workshop spaces as an artist and educator, as well as my own research on the history of handcraft. There are twelve working practices of the Shop Model. These practices aren''t meant to be exhaustive or concrete. The importance or weight of each practice will vary depending on your child, their age, and your project or practice goals. These 12 practices are meant to serve as reminders of ways in which we can best collaborate and work as makers. The Shop Model sets the stage for young makers to develop working habits that will serve them for a lifetime. Use the Shop Model as a guide, as a tool to reflect on the working practices of the children in your care. 1. Make a Plan: It Can and Will Change I''m a planner by nature. I need to know what''s going to happen next. I''m never without a sticky note and a checklist. However, I''ve also learned to lean into the process. Best-laid plans can and do change. Having a plan helps guide our work; it gives us a road map. However, we must know that change and divergence from even the best-laid plans are all part of the process. As a teacher, backward planning has a special place in my heart. This is a process in which you lay out the goal first, and backward engineer a plan to get you there. My mother-in-law would always say, "An inch is a cinch." Backward planning allows us to create a manageable plan of attack. Break your big goals into small actionable items. For instance, we''ve been working on a collaborative mini grocery shop for some while. Our team of shop kids made a lofty plan with all the bells and whistles of a real grocery shop. We then met to figure out where to begin and delegated the roles to individuals and groups. Some kids would be working on displays, some on canned goods, some on salt dough food sculptures. We then met with each team to develop a work plan for each component. Work plans are an easy way for kids to track their progress. Bring on the sticky notes! Kids, like most adults, can really only focus on two or three steps at a time. Grab a sticky note and have your kiddo draw or write out three steps at a time to keep the momentum and focus going. This planning strategy is also super helpful for kids with organizational and focus needs. Planning strategies can range from large-scale strategic and backward planning to a simple conversation about goals to following step-by-step instructions. Be as guided or as loose as your work requires. When using the plans in this book, be flexible. If something doesn''t work for you or your kiddo, change it. Be flexible in your process and outcomes. 2. Don''t Be Afraid to Collaborate We live in a world that is all too often an individualistic one. We''re taught to protect our thoughts and ideas. Collaboration is a core part of the Shop Model for good reason. People are not meant to work in a vacuum. Collaboration and idea sharing allow us all to do better work. Partner and group work allow children to practice their social skills. Collaboration is part of life and of being a community member. Collaboration can also be tricky. I like to have kids have a work meeting before embarking on collaborative work. A work meeting is a brief conversation that includes agreeing on an initial plan or concept, dividing work responsibilities and roles, and--this is big--deciding a custody arrangement for nonephemeral work. A custody arrangement establishes what will happen to the finished object once completed. Trust me, this is imperative and reduces conflict on the back end. Collaboration can and will lead to conflict. Conflict isn''t necessarily a bad thing. Conflict can simply mean that there''s a problem to solve. Through collaborative build and play, children learn how to solve interpersonal problems, how to communicate their needs and desires, and how to compromise. Do your best to allow children to work through collaborative conflict on their own. If needed, interview and mirror each child''s desires. Ask how each child is willing to compromise. We all want our children to have empathy for and work well with others while they maintain their own voice and boundaries. Collaborative creative work is the perfect space for children to practice these skills. Also, making things with people can be super fun. Throughout this book, I offer suggestions on ways to collaborate with your children, how to have your children have a collaborative mind-set, and how to access the resources in your broader community. 3. Be Responsible for Your Own Safety When children are learning to be self-sufficient risk-takers, it''s incredibly important that they''re taught to be responsible for their own safety. We can support safe working practices with children through demonstration and modeling, and by giving gentle reminders. I have a good friend whose child was a runner. When he was young, around four years old, he would run out the front door of the shop every chance he got. His mother was frustrated by this behavior. He was a runner because he wasn''t yet responsible for his own safety. His mother always protected him just before the danger of running became real to him. She asked for help. The next time he ran, we stopped him but also showed him the possible dangers he was facing when he ran (without being too harsh or scary). I got on his level and asked him to point to the places that were dangerous for him, such as the road. I asked him what would happen if we didn''t stop him. He said, "I could get hurt." I asked him if he could stop himself in order to be safe. He paused, thought, and said yes. We told him he is now big enough to be safe for himself. He liked the idea of keeping himself safe. Now, this doesn''t always work, and personal safety is largely dependent on a child''s developmental stages. Children should be made aware of the risks of certain behaviors and allowed to assess and respond to as much risk as they''re developmentally ready for. When we shield children from risk, they''re actually less able to assess risk and make safe choices as they grow more independent. However, if we can meet kids where they''re capable, give them as much responsibility as they can handle, and model safe working practices, they will organically do the things that shield them from harm. 4. Failure Is an Option This is a big one! No one loves to fail. We''re built to avoid failure. Our inherent fear of failure can keep us from taking chances and innovating, and ultimately our fears can keep us from succeeding. I like to say that the shop is failure-rich space. We make a lot of terrible things around here. As cocreators, we can model failure. Talk openly about all the times you tried something and failed. Model a "let''s try it and see what happens" approach and your little ones will follow suit. If you have a perfectionist child (I have one), try to build small failures into everyday tasks. Impermanent practice can also help reduce this rigid success-or-fail mentality. This can look like deliberately making throwaway work or working with chalk, as it''s easily erased. I talk openly about what we do when things don''t work out. I will tell the kids that I like to throw my work on the floor, tear it up, and generally freak out. This always gets a laugh, and the kids will tell me all the strategies they have to overcome frustration and disappointment. They take a deep breath, ask for help, take a break, start over, and so on. Little people are so smart! Failure lets us know that we''re trying. Try to develop a practice for reflecting on failure without dwelling on all the things gone wrong. Here are some questions about failure to ask kids: What felt hard? What did you do about it? Why didn''t that go like you imagined? What changes would help? How were you feeling when you made this? What did you learn? What skills do you need to develop to be more successful next time? 5. Ask a Lot of Questions Asking questions is how we grow. Questioning is at the core of creativity and learning. Often, children have learned that asking questions can make them feel stupid and vulnerable. As caregivers, we can all get fatigued by the endless questions that children pose on a daily basis. If we can encourage questioning, no matter how seemingly silly, we encourage a growth mind-set, one where knowledge-seeking and collaboration is celebrated. Questioning happens in two directions: the questions we ask children and the questions we want children to ask of themselves and their work. I often see parents ask q


Short Title Maker Camp
Pages 176
Language English
Year 2021
ISBN-10 1611807840
ISBN-13 9781611807844
Subtitle Heritage Crafts and Skill-Building Projects for Kids
Format Hardcover
Publication Date 2021-02-23
Publisher Shambhala Publications Inc
UK Release Date 2021-02-23
Place of Publication Boston
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2021-02-23
NZ Release Date 2021-02-23
US Release Date 2021-02-23
Audience Age 8-12
Author Delanie Horton-Fessler
Imprint Shambhala Publications Inc
DEWEY 745.5
Audience General
