By: David F. Stephens

Due to a cave-in, three men were trapped in a Moose River, NS, gold mine in April, 1936. Days passed as rescuers tried to find a way into the mine without causing a disastrous cave-in. Water was rising underground and the cold and the damp created great physical discomfort, threatening to drown those entombed. One of three - Herman Magill - died of pneumonia.

Communication had been opened with the surface through a narrow hole into which a slender microphone had been lowered. Much of the talk between the trapped men and the rescuers included asking: “Do you think you will be able to get us out today?” Even though they were conserving energy by not speaking or moving, the survivors were weakening.

As Day 10 came and went, Robertson began to hallucinate and Scadding was in extreme pain from trench foot. Finally, at 11:40 pm on April 22, a Stellarton draeger crew broke into the area where the men were waiting. An hour later and after 242 hours underground, Dr. Robertson arrived at the surface to be greeted by a chorus of "hurrahs" from the crowd. He was able to walk out of the mine. His first words were: "thank you boys".Scadding, carried out through the 3-foot wide shaft on the back of a miner, emerged shortly afterwards. Later, due to trench foot, all of his toes were amputated. When the rescuers removed the body of Herman Magill a hush fell over the crowd.

The survivors were airlifted to a Halifax hospital. J. Frank Willis made his last broadcast at 2:00 a.m. Everyone went home. The rescue was finally over. Thanks to the live radio coverage and the drama of the rescue, the event at Moose River left an indelible mark on a generation of Nova Scotians. The survivors and their rescuers were instant celebrities.The book is a softcover, and was published in Hantsport, N.S., in 1974. It is 100 pages long, and also includes several illustrations and photographs. The book is used, but is in very good condition - no writing, no stains or soiling, no missing or torn pages, and a tight spine & clean cover. Top bidder should add $3.99 postage within Canada, or $5.99 for mailing to the USA. I have other, similar books up for sale now, so please check them out too! Multiple books always combined to save on postage, & full refund if you’re not happy. Thanks for looking!