Camera is in a Mechanically fully functional order. 

The camera is M42 mount so will take any M42 mount lens

Light seals in tact or if on any they need replacement, new ones will be installed prior to postage

Old Black Leatherette has been replaced with a new vibrant leatherette as seen in pictures. 

Do note, body needs a clean.

Shutter releases at accurate speeds.

Winder winds and advances film.

Lightmeter does not work, this can be worked around by the use of any lightmeter app like SLR Assist on iPhone (don't have an android, but there will be apps on there to for that) or following the Sunny 16 rule, which can be summed up like this: If its clear sunny day, then shoot on f16 on iso 100 and 1/100th shutter speed and f8 if its cloudy, if your iso is 200 then use 1/200th of a second, iso 400 = 1/400th of a second and so on.

I have a whole box of these cameras perfectly capable of taking photos, which just had their lightmeters outlive the mechanical capability of a camera, and usually just sell them as a broken joblot without releathering, but now thinking of it, I should just releather, charge for releather and give someone an opportunity to get into film photography at a bargain price. Anyhow, I will keep on updating this listing to reflect the exact praktica camera on sale after each sale, you will still be able to access the variation of this listing after purchase. Do note, some cameras may require a clean externally, due to the low price I am listing these at, it is kind of not worth the time for me clean them too.