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You're Mine (Pocket edition)

by Matti Charlton

In the depths of a dark and enchanting forest lies a secret that few dare to confront... Written by autistic and transgender Canadian author Matti Charlton, this captivating tale offers a simple yet powerful message for readers of all ages.

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Publisher Description

In the depths of a dark and enchanting forest lies a secret that few dare to confront.
"You're Mine," a masterpiece of unconventional storytelling by the extraordinary transgender and autistic author Matti Charlton, beckons readers on an offbeat journey into the unknown.
Unveiling an elusive truth, Death themself emerges as the narrator, captivating our hearts and minds with their haunting presence.
Death's chilling message reminds us that life's fragile thread inevitably draws closer to its end, embracing us all in their timeless grip.
From the tender departure of cherished pets to the bittersweet farewell of beloved family and friends, no soul can escape the eternal embrace of Death's icy hands.
Yet amidst the shadows, there lies a flicker of hope-a whispered reminder to seize each moment, to infuse our existence with friendship, loyalty, and love.
With each turn of the page, Matti Charlton's vibrant illustrations and poignant words weave a tapestry of introspection, urging us to embrace the essence of our own lives.
Transcending the boundaries of age and experience, "You're Mine" invites us to embark on an emotional odyssey, where gratitude becomes our compass and authenticity our guiding star.
For within the profound darkness of this forest, there resides a light-a beacon of wisdom that illuminates our souls.
As we become entwined in the tender embrace of this extraordinary tale, we discover that while Death's touch may be inevitable, the richness of our existence lies in the choices we make, the connections we forge, and the legacy of love we leave behind.
"You're Mine" is more than a book; it is a heartfelt anthem that resonates deep within, awakening the courage to live, love, and embrace the beauty of our fleeting lives.
Surrender to its enigmatic allure and embark on a transformative journey that will forever etch their essence upon your soul.

Author Biography

Matti Charlton is writer, designer and recording artist. They live in Toronto, Canada with their service dog, Quentin.Matti is autistic, queer and transgender and writes passionately about social issues and modern technology; most recently, with their book "Homelessness broke ChatGPT" casting a critical eye on the bias of the popular AI software. Matti has also written several children's books and young adult novels.Matti is an advocate for trans issues, mental health and poverty, especially homelessness and addiction.Matti's career has spanned a wide range of disciplines, from software development and art direction to fashion design, music production and writing.They recently published their 12th album of electronic pop music, "Almost", and their first fiction novel "Dendrome".Matti created the first transgender-owned underwear company in the world, Retromatti Athletics, in 2014, manufacturing the entire line from their apartment in downtown Toronto. The company expanded to provide digital artwork to craft makers during COVID-19.


TimelessSageRating: (5/5)This book will bring you to tears.I want to share how deeply "You're Mine" touched my heart. It's a story that speaks straight to the soul, simple yet profound.From the very start, the author, Matti Charlton, dedicates the book to someone special, their mom. It's a dedication filled with love that reaches across time and space.As I read, it's like Death himself is talking to us, but not in a scary way. He's saying how everyone, pets, parents, friends - we all face him one day. But here's the thing, he urges us to make our lives count. To be kind, to love, to cherish every moment.The author remind us that we're all like "Little Ones," trying to figure out life. Their hope is that this message finds a home in all our hearts.I lost my son recently, you see. And this book, oh, it brought back memories of his laughter and his love. It made me realize how fleeting life is, how we should hold onto moments like treasures.So, my dear, pick up "You're Mine." Let it wrap around you like a warm hug. It's more than just pages; it's a piece of someone's heart, reaching out to touch yours. It's a reminder that in this fragile life, what truly matters are the moments we share, the love we give, and the tears we shed - tears that hold a world of emotions.
ArtfulExplorerRating: (5/5)"You're Mine" is a poetic masterpiece that gently cradles the heart. As a parent, I read it to my child, and it became a cherished part of our bedtime routine. Its words are like a warm embrace, teaching valuable life lessons and sparking imagination. It's more than a book; it's a guide through the enchanting forest of childhood. This story resonates with the universal themes of life, death, and the beauty in between. It's a treasure for children and adults alike.
EnlightenedWandererRating: (5/5)"You're Mine" by Matti Charlton is a guiding star on the journey through life's labyrinth. Its profound truths and glimpses of beauty have touched me deeply. As an adult, it reminds me that our actions and integrity matter, encouraging me to cherish life's precious gifts and spread love to those who matter most. The book's depth is immeasurable, and its wisdom lingers long after the final page. It's a profound narrative that urges us to seize every moment with intention and love.
WandererOfHeartsRating: (5/5)"You're Mine" resonates like a captivating symphony, guiding me through the mysteries of life and death. As a wanderer of life's wonders, it became a comforting melody that compels me to cherish life's moments and to spread kindness to the world. It's a beacon of inspiration in my journey, reminding me that our actions hold the power to change the world.
SpiritualScribeRating: (5/5)"You're Mine" speaks life's truths with eloquence and compassion. As a spiritual seeker, it became my comforting balm for the soul. In its brevity, it holds a treasure of heartfelt wisdom, urging me to cherish life's moments and to approach each day with love and gratitude. It's a guiding light on my path, a reminder that our lives are significant, and our actions can leave a lasting impact.


Author Matti Charlton
Pages 52
Publisher Matti Charlton
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781998332229
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-12-31
Imprint Matti Charlton
Subtitle a true story for brave little ones
Audience Children / Juvenile
Audience Age 8-12
Edition Description Pocket ed.
