Vintage Blanket Box - perfect for storing linens

This gorgeous trunk is perfect, but I don't have the space for it in my small cottage.  It appears to be some sort of heavily decorated pine so I painted it (but left the inside as is).  The lid is "sided" and there is an inner lip made from some sort of hardwood to prevent dust ingress.  So well thought out!

Unfortunately I do not have a key for it but there was never any need to lock it.  It ought to be possible to find a replacement (not sure about the size but I do know it's not a hollow key that it needs).

The inside has been left untreated (would be good to treat with an oil which moths don't like and which make your linens smell good) and there is a "candle shelf/box" on the left-hand side with a secret drawer underneath (which is awkward to pull out, given that there is no handle-  I'd fasten something discreet to it if using the secret drawer, but I never did) both made from the same hardwood as the inner lip.

The blue chalk paint is incredibly hard to photograph but it's best seen in the detail of the runners on the bottom (reminiscent of those runners you get on steamer trunks, complete with rounded ends so that they can be pushed and pulled on and off steamers, coaches and the like).  If you are interested it is Everlong's Amble Sea (which I thought was rather appropriate for this piece) which is top left in the colour chart (see photos).

Width:  93.5cm at the widest
Depth:  48.5cm at the deepest
Height:  48.5cm at the highest (including the runners which are roughly 1cm deep)


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