All Quartersawn at 90° and Quilted!
The Sides are Wide Enough to Choose Between All Heartwood or a Mix of Sap and Heart!

Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)

Quilt: Lv.5 - Master

Size: Super Jumbo or Bass/Head Plate

Bending Difficulty: 3

Janka: 950lbf - Average

Average Weight: 35lbs - Higher

Stiffness to Weight: 42,571lbf - Higher

Fundamentals: Clear Mid range

Overtones: Heavier in the Highs Shimmery

Frequency: Low-Mids and High Range

Attack: Strong

Decay: Medium

All Quartersawn! I've never seen flecking like this in Cherry! I included a close-up picture of the flecking. This set has the most wonderful pink highlights and streaking I have ever seen in Cherry! It's hard to describe or do justice with pictures to just how amazing this looks in person.

Black Cherry is like Soft Maple but with a shift towards more overtones and low end. It's one of the most overlooked and undervalued tonewoods ever. Cherry definitely has a cult following! 

Harvested in central Pennsylvania!

 Nyle's low temp. dehumidification kilned to 6%. Equalized and conditioned.


Shipping charge is by location. Multiple items will be combined in one box.


Drum sanded thicknessing upon request! Just send me a message as soon as you buy.








(Dimensions listed in "Item specifics".)

*At least one face surfaced to 120 grit*

*Shown with and without solvent*

*Example MOE of Rosewood or Spruce: 32,076 / 59,259*

*Picture 4,5 and 6 are examples of this woods color and fleck, across all sets, from this billet and not exact closeups*

*I've said many times how hard it is for me to cut off perfectly good wood because of defects! Picture 1 is what the set looks like if you cut off the defects at 5" and 5-1/4". Picture 2 is what it actually looks like. Once you trim off the defects, you can use the extra wood for inlays and such.*

I'm looking for feedback. Please leave me notes as far as how you prefer part dimensions and construction or species you'd like me to change or supply.


