7X Garbage KERRANG! Music Magazines. Aug 1996 To Mar 2005. UK. Shirley Manson

A collection of 7 Kerrang! magazines dating from August 1996 to March 2005 featuring Garbage / Shirley Manson on the cover.  Each magazine features a great article on Garbage as well as much more.  The contents pages for each magazine can be seen in the photos.  The issues included are as follows:

Issue 611 August 24th 1996;  Issue 695 April 18th 1998;  Issue 719 October 3rd 1998;  Issue 752 May 29th 1999;  Issue 777 November 20th 1999;  Issue 885 January 5th 2002;  Issue 1049 March 26th 2005.

They are in excellent condition (issue 752 has minor creasing to the bottom right of the front cover). The pages are clean and crisp with no tears or marks.  Each magazine contains 64 pages (issue 1049 has 72 pages).

Comes from a smoke free/pet free home.

Thank you.