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Born to Die

by Christian Kahner

How does a person come to the moment in his life where he picks up a walking stick and beats a bound man to death on an earthen path in a forest? How does he casually bend over and simply slit this victim's throat? The central question of this book, Born to Die: Am I Evil, is whether or not Evil is created within us by prevailing circumstances around us or is encoded into our beings during a failed genetic lottery. Or is the impulse towards giving into our darkest impulses some combination of innate proclivities and the experiences of our lives? This book is the story of a prisoner enclosed in a cell on Death Row in Raiford, Florida -- a man who, through his own words, is trying to explain how he got to that very point of taking another life. It is also an opportunity to attempt to resolve the Problem of Evil, to figure why there are malign forces in this world and how we might explain their very existence. Raw, jarring, unflinching, the account of this prisoner's life will shock the reader out of complacency and -- hopefully -- a greater understanding of the complexities of Evil.

Brand New


Author Christian Kahner
Pages 152
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798870907543
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-12-06
Imprint Independently Published
Subtitle Am I Evil?
Audience General
