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Occupy the Economy

by Richard D. Wolff, David Barsamian

A hot-button primer on the taboo subject impacting most Americans today: the failure of capitalism to deliver public good.

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Publisher Description

Today's economic crisis is capitalism's worst since the Great Depression. Millions have lost their jobs, homes and healthcare while those who work watch their pensions, benefits, and job security decline. As more and more are impacted by the crisis, the system continues to make the very wealthy even richer. In eye-opening interviews with prominent economist Richard Wolff, David Barsamian probes the root causes of the current economic crisis, its unjust social consequences, and what can and should be done to turn things around. While others blame corrupt bankers and unregulated speculators, the government, or even the poor who borrowed, the authors show that the causes of the crisis run much deeper. They reach back to the 1970s when the capitalist system itself shifted, ending the century-old pattern of rising wages for U.S. workers and thereby enabling the top 1% to become ultra-rich at the expense of the 99%. Since then, economic injustice has become chronic and further corrupted politics. The Occupy movement, by articulating deep indignation with the whole system, mobilizes huge numbers who seek basic change. Occupying the Economy not only clarifies and analyzes the crisis in U.S. capitalism today, it also points toward solutions that can shape a far better future for all.
Richard D. Wolff is professor emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and visiting professor at the New School University. Author of Capitalism Hits the Fan, he's been a guest on NPR, Glenn Beck Show, and Democracy Now!
David Barsamian is founder and director of Alternative Radio and author of Targeting Iran. He is best known for his interview books with Noam Chomsky, including Targeting Iran.
"With unerring coherence and unequaled breadth of knowledge, Rick Wolff offers a rich and much needed corrective to the views of mainstream economists and pundits."
-Stanley Aronowitz

Author Biography

Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, and Visiting Professor at the New School University. He gives signings throughout the year and averages 2-3 media interviews per day, including A-list outlets like National Public Radio, the Glenn Beck Show, and Democracy Now! Wolff is author of the breakout book Capitalism Hits the Fan.

Table of Contents

IntroductionThe Systemic Crisis of CapitalismWorld Endgame?Occupying the EconomyAbout the Authors


"Richard Wolff and David Barsamian truly understand, at the deepest levels, both the need for political, social, and economic change in this nation, and the ways such change can happen. This is an essential read for everybody concerned with the future of the world, from academics to concerned citizens, it's also a brilliant and thoughtful manual that every activist must own."--Thom Hartmann, internationally syndicated radio/TV host, and author of The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight "Occupy activists everywhere are heatedly debating the question, "What's next for our movement?' In his collected interviews with David Barsamian, radical economist Richard Wolff lays out a compelling framework for further anti-corporate organizing that focuses on the root of the problem: capitalism and its never-ending assault on the 99%. Occupiers (past, present, and future) now have an intellectual guide to a different kind of economy--one that's equitable, sustainable, and, let's hope, politically achievable, sooner rather than later. Wolff's deep but conversational synthesis of recent practice and older theory couldn't be more timely, persuasive, and readable. This book should be required reading for all labor and community organizers newly inspired by Occupy Wall Street!"--Steve Early, labor activist, journalist, and author of The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor "We blame corrupt bankers, their industry, and the government who refused to properly regulate it for the financial crisis, but we need to look further back, to a time when the capitalist system itself shifted. Author David Barsamian devotes his entire book to interviews with renowned economist Richard Wolff, during which the two seek to understand the root causes of the current economic crisis, and what concerted efforts by individuals can do to bring about meaningful change."--SF Weekly "Like the writings of Karl Marx himself, Wolff's Occupy the Economy: Challenging Capitalism (2012, City Lights Books) gives a far more detailed analysis of the current systemic crisis than of how to build an alternative, democratic economy. The book does end, however, with a "Manifesto for Economic Democracy and Ecological Sanity," signed by seven activist intellectuals, which gives strong acknowledgment to the role of co-ops as training grounds for worker democracy. 'The change we propose... as a new and major addition to the agenda for social change,' says the Manifesto, '... is to occur inside production... the workers must become collectively their own bosses, their own board of directors...'"--Jewish Currents "Wolff, a Marxist economist, gives a deeper analysis of capitalism, so that the 'mysteries' of wealth accumulation become clear in all their exploitative nature. By reading "Occupy the Economy," the reader will unknowingly receive an excellent introductory lesson into Marx's greatest literary achievement, "Capital."--Smirking Chimp


Print: The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, Vogue, The Los Angeles Times, The Nation, Newsweek, Details, and many others. We will send the book to those publications plus: NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Review, SF Chronicle, Boston Globe, Nation, Mother Jones, Progressive, Utne, Wired, among others.Web: Truthout, Alternet, Counterpunch,, Shelf Awareness, Huffington Post, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads.Author web site coordination: active Facebook fan page at Richard Wolff -- will coordinate promotion.Radio: Democracy Now, NPR's "On the media," NPR's Tell Me More, NPR Talk of the Nation, NPR Weekend All Things Considered, and various NPR and Pacifica shows.Richard Wolff has previously been interviewed on WBAI in NYC, KPFA, KPFK in Los Angeles, Left Jab on Sirius Radio, Santita Jackson's radio program in Chicago, and David Barsamian's Alternative Radio.TV: NewsHour, PBS, WGBH-TV in Boston. We will pitch NewsHour, Colbert, Charlie Rose, BBC, CNN, and CSPAN's Book TV to film an event. Wolff has done TV interviews on Al Jazeera English, RT-TV, Thom Hartmann, Democracy Now, and CBC, so we will pursue those outlets.

Long Description

Today's economic crisis is capitalism's worst since the Great Depression. Millions have lost their jobs, homes and healthcare while those who work watch their pensions, benefits, and job security decline. As more and more are impacted by the crisis, the system continues to make the very wealthy even richer. In eye-opening interviews with prominent economist Richard Wolff, David Barsamian probes the root causes of the current economic crisis, its unjust social consequences, and what can and should be done to turn things around. While others blame corrupt bankers and unregulated speculators, the government, or even the poor who borrowed, the authors show that the causes of the crisis run much deeper. They reach back to the 1970s when the capitalist system itself shifted, ending the century-old pattern of rising wages for U.S. workers and thereby enabling the top 1% to become ultra-rich at the expense of the 99%. Since then, economic injustice has become chronic and further corrupted politics. The Occupy movement, by articulating deep indignation with the whole system, mobilizes huge numbers who seek basic change. Occupying the Economy not only clarifies and analyzes the crisis in U.S. capitalism today, it also points toward solutions that can shape a far better future for all. Richard D. Wolff is professor emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and visiting professor at the New School University. Author of Capitalism Hits the Fan , he's been a guest on NPR, Glenn Beck Show, and Democracy Now! David Barsamian is founder and director of Alternative Radio and author of Targeting Iran . He is best known for his interview books with Noam Chomsky, including Targeting Iran . "With unerring coherence and unequaled breadth of knowledge, Rick Wolff offers a rich and much needed corrective to the views of mainstream economists and pundits." --Stanley Aronowitz

Review Quote

"Wolff, a Marxist economist, gives a deeper analysis of capitalism, so that the 'mysteries' of wealth accumulation become clear in all their exploitative nature. By reading "Occupy the Economy," the reader will unknowingly receive an excellent introductory lesson into Marx's greatest literary achievement, "Capital." -Shamus Cooke

Competing Titles

Capitalism Hits the Fan: The Global Economic Meltdown and What to Do About It Richard Wolff 9781566567848 18.00 9781566567848 2009 What We Say Goes: Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World David Barsamian 9780805086713 16.00 Metropolitan Books 2007

Description for Sales People

The main marketing and selling points driving this book will be the authors' active, year round schedule of public talks, signings, radio programs (they both host weekly shows) and media interviews--from sympathetic conversations with NPR and Democracy Now to adversarial ones with hosts like Glenn Beck. Barsamian's national radio program and active web site will help the sales and marketing effort as will his ongoing circuit of talks. Wolff will promote on his weekly radio program which airs live on Saturdays on WBAI in NY and is syndicated to other stations around the country and online. Most importantly, Wolff is passionate and energized to promote the pants off this book. It is he who most wants to get the book out fast because he wants to influence debate and promote it at his upcoming talks and visits to Occupy sites (he regularly speaks at them and just gave a talk to Occupy Marin). These talks make it on to YouTube and get important coverage in social networks associated with Occupy. Wolff also plans to write numerous articles, op-eds and blog entries which will promote the book and keep a fresh tie-in to events as they unfold.


Author David Barsamian
Publisher City Lights Books
Language English
ISBN-10 0872865673
ISBN-13 9780872865679
Media Book
Format Paperback
Residence MA, US
Year 2012
Publication Date 2012-05-24
Subtitle Challenging Capitalism
UK Release Date 2012-05-24
Imprint City Lights Books
Place of Publication Monroe, OR
Country of Publication United States
NZ Release Date 2012-05-24
US Release Date 2012-05-24
Pages 190
Series City Lights Open Media
DEWEY 339.20973
Audience General
AU Release Date 2012-05-07
Illustrations Illustrations, unspecified
