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Christmas Angel

by Alex Silver

Angel: Since the first night Saint brought me back to his place and blew my mind, he's been a bright spot in my life. When we're together, I'm not Owen and Meg's Pop first, and everything else second. For a few glorious hours, all that matters is the pleasure Saint and I share. No strings and no expectations.With Christmas approaching, I'm on my last frayed nerve. Between extra shifts at work, final exams, and my evil ex stirring up trouble, it's so tempting to lean on Saint more. He means well, but I'm not used to help that doesn't come with hidden snares. Can I trust his love isn't another gilded cage?Saint: I don't date. Not since my short-lived marriage to my best friend fell apart. That way, no one can pressure me into faking a romantic attraction that I've never experienced. So I should know better than to become involved with someone I represented through a messy divorce. Except my heart apparently didn't receive the memo. Maybe the magic of Christmas is addling my brain, but Angel has me wondering if this time I can be enough for a lasting love.Christmas Angel is an M/X single-parent, small-town, hurt/comfort, angsty Christmas romance between an aromantic lawyer and a genderqueer single parent of two. This is the second book in the Merry Exmas duology, but both books can stand alone. CW for Angel's abusive ex, misgendering/mild transphobia from the ex, and parental abandonment (Angel's parents and their ex). Make your yuletide gay with Merry Exmas!

Brand New


Author Alex Silver
Pages 216
Publisher Ats Publications
Series Merry Exmas
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781998885091
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-12-09
Imprint Ats Publications
Subtitle An M/X single parent Christmas romance
Series Number 2
Audience General
