DUKE NUKEM 3D Plutonium Pak PC CD-ROM, A Duke Nukem 3D Expansion Pack.

Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium PAK is an add-on for the first-person shooter Duke Nukem 3D. It adds a new 11-level episode, "The Birth". This new episode includes new enemies: the Protector Drones who can slash at Duke with their claws or shoot shrinking rays at him, and the Pig Cop Tank, an impressive piece of machinery outfitted with deadly machine guns. There is also a new weapon - the Microwave Expander, which inflates aliens until they explode. And, of course, there is a new boss to defeat - the Alien Queen herself. The Plutonium PAK also includes themes for Windows 95, screen savers, and a multiplayer bot feature.

Includes Jewel CD-Rom Case & DUKE NUKEM 3D Plutonium Pak PC CD-ROM + Cover Inserts