Code 10527

Still life painting animals cats fish oil on canvas antique 18th century painting

Ancient Italian painting from the 18th century. Work of great size and impact, oil on canvas, depicting a particular still life with flowers, fruit, roosters, fish and cats. Non-coeval wooden frame, carved and gilded (bronze colour) with some signs of color recovery (see photo). Painting of good brightness and fabulous dynamism accentuated by the fight of the cats at the center of the scene. The vase with flowers at the top left is very pleasant, a highly decorative painting for antique dealers and collectors of ancient still lifes. Painting that has undergone conservative restoration, relining, replacement of the frame and restoration of color in some places. In good condition. Light painting H 98 x W 141 cm. H 117 x W 160 x D 6 cm

Each item is packaged with the utmost care and professionalism, sealed inside custom-built wooden crates and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and guarantee supplemented by photographic documentation.
Paypal and all the most common payment methods are accepted.
Payment must be made within 7 working days of purchase, otherwise the item will be considered unsold and relisted. Each item shipped will be accompanied by a receipt, if you require an invoice this must be requested at the time of purchase. We offer and expect the utmost seriousness in the transaction, please only bid if you are serious about purchasing.
Right of withdrawal
Free returns within 30 days. Customers will be able to cancel the purchase within 30 days of delivery without penalty or need to give any reason. Return costs are borne by the seller. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted as returns.

Antique Italian painting from the 18th century. Painting of great size and impact, oil on canvas, depicting a particular still life with flowers, fruit, roosters, fish and cats. Non-coeval carved and gilded wooden frame (bronze tint) with some signs of color recovery (see photo). Painting of good luminosity and fabulous dynamism accentuated by the fight of the cats in the center of the scene. The vase with flowers in the upper left corner is very pleasant, a highly decorative painting for antique dealers and collectors of old still lifes. Painting that has undergone a conservative restoration, relined, replacement of the frame and recovery of the color in some points. In good condition. Sight size H 38 x W 55 inches. H 46 x W 62 x D 2 inches

Free shipping throughout Europe. Every item is packed with the utmost care and professionalism, sealed in a wooden box built to measure and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and warranty including photographic documentation. Parino Mercato Antiquario seeks to stand out by offering the best packaging and shipment services available on the market. Once your payment is received the merchandise will be shipped and delivered front door.
We accept Paypal and all the most commonly used payment methods. We do not accept cash on delivery. We need to receive all payments within 7 working days since the purchase, otherwise the good will be considered unsold and it will be for sale again. Each item will be delivered with its until receipt, if you need the invoice you will have to require it when you purchase the good. We offer and we demand the most accuracy for the transaction, please make an offer only if you are really interested in the purchase.
Free return within 30 days. Customers can cancel their purchase within 30 days after the delivery of the good, without any penalty or explanation. Return transport costs are paid by the seller. We cannot accept return of modified or damaged items. Returned goods must be sent us back in their original shipping wooden box.

Antike Italian Malerei from 18. Jahrhundert. Gemälde von large Größe und Wirkung, Öl auf Leinwand, das ein besonderes Stillleben mit Blumen, Früchten, Hähnen, Fischen und Katzen darstellt. Nicht zeitgleicher geschnitzter und vergoldeter Holzrahmen (Bronze-Tönung) mit einigen Anzeichen von Farbwiederherstellung (siehe Foto). Gemälde von guter Lightkraft und fabelhafter Dynamik, akzentuiert durch den Kampf der Katzen im Zentrum der Szene. The Vase with Blumen in the upper linken Ecke ist sehr angenehm, ein sehr decorative Gemälde für Antiquitätenhändler und Sammler alter Stillleben. Konservativ restaurariertes, doubliertes Gemälde, Austausch des Rahmens und partielle Farbwiederherstellung. In guter Kondition. Innere Maße H 98 x B 141 cm. H 117 x B 160 x T 6 cm

Free pouring in Italy. These items are supplied and packaged in extra bulk, packaged in boxes and supplied with a Authentizitäts-Urkunde, a guarantee with photo documentation included.
Parino Antiquitätenhändler zeichnet sich auf dem Markt durch besten und kostenlosen Verpackungs- und Versandservice aus. After entering the Zahlung we will die Ware sofort bis vor das Haus verschickt.
We will akzeptieren Zahlungen mit Paypal und alle weitere, gewöhnliche Zahlungsarten. Wir akzeptieren keine Zahlung per Nachnahme.
Die Zahlung muss innerhalb von 7 Arbeitstagen nach dem Kauf erfolgen, ernfalls wird der Artikel als unverkauft erachtet und erneut zum Verkauf freigegeben. Jedem verkauften Objekt liegt eine steuergültige Quittung bei, sollten Sie eine Rechnung wünschen, teilen Sie das bitte gleich beim Kauf mit. Wir bieten and erwarten höchste Seriosität bei der Geschäftsabwicklung und möchten Sie daher bitten, nur Angebote zu machen, wenn Sie ernsthaft am Kauf Interested sind.
Kostenlose Rückgabe innerhalb von 30 Tagen. The product must be stored within 30 days after the delivery of the original and the corresponding machine. Die Kosten zur Rückgabe gehen zu Lasten des Verkäufers. Beschädigte oder veränderte Artikel werden nicht zurück genommen. The Güter müssen in den Originalverpackungen zurückgeschickt werden, mit denen sie versandt wurden.

Old Italian paint from the 18th century. Paintings of great size and impact, oil on toile, representing a particular still life with flowers, fruits, coqs, poissons and chats. Cadre en wood sculpté et doré non contemporain (teinte bronze) with those signs of recovery of color (see photo). Painting of a good brightness and a fabulous dynamism accentuated by the combat of the chats in the center of the scene. The vase with the flowers on the gauche upper coin is very pleasant, a very decorated tableau for antiques and collections of ancient dead natures. Peinture ayant undergoes a conservative restoration, restoration, replacement of the body and récupération of the color in certain points. In good condition. Internal dimensions H 98 x L 141 cm. H 117 x W 160 x D 6 cm

Send free throughout Europe. This article is packaged with the best attention and professionalism, sent to the inside of wooden boxes built to measure and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and guarantee as well as a photographic documentation. Parino Mercato Antiquario will distinguish you by offering the best packaging and delivery service free of charge. Once you receive the payment, it will be effected with remittance to the front street.
On accepte Paypal and all the most common payment methods. We do not accept paiements in liquide à la remise.
Payment must be made within 7 days of purchase, in case of contract, the item will be considered unsold and remis en vente. The item will be accompanied by the tax ticket, if you would like the receipt to be made at the time of acquisition. On offering and demanding the largest series in the transaction, you are free to make your offers if you seriously intend the acquisition.
Droit de résiliation
Free returns within 30 days. Les clients pourront cancel leur acquisition within 30 days of remise without penalty or need to gain that motivation. The return costs are the responsibility of the seller. Articles posted or modified are not accepted. The marchandise must be returned to the original boxes used for you.

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Antike Italian Malerei from 18. Jahrhundert. Gemälde von large Größe und Wirkung, Öl auf Leinwand, das ein besonderes Stillleben mit Blumen, Früchten, Hähnen, Fischen und Katzen darstellt. Nicht zeitgleicher geschnitzter und vergoldeter Holzrahmen (Bronze-Tönung) mit einigen Anzeichen von Farbwiederherstellung (siehe Foto). Gemälde von guter Lightkraft und fabelhafter Dynamik, akzentuiert durch den Kampf der Katzen im Zentrum der Szene. The Vase with Blumen in the upper linken Ecke ist sehr angenehm, ein sehr decorative Gemälde für Antiquitätenhändler und Sammler alter Stillleben. Konservativ restaurariertes, doubliertes Gemälde, Austausch des Rahmens und partielle Farbwiederherstellung. In guter Kondition. Innere Maße H 98 x B 141 cm. H 117 x B 160 x T 6 cm Old Italian paint from the 18th