Buddy Lee is known as one of the world's top experts in jump rope conditioning. He has earned a worldwide reputation with his incredible jump rope skills, putting on 6,000 shows in 50 countries and appearing in TV commercials and talk shows. He has also appeared on CNN Headline News and in Business Week and Parade magazines. Lee is the president and CEO of Jump Rope Tech Technology, Inc., the leading expert in the field of jump rope training for improved sport performance. He is the co-inventor and patent holder of Buddy Lee Speed Ropes, the ropes used by U.S. Olympic athletes. A retired U.S. Marine and U.S. Olympian in wrestling, Buddy now consults with strength and conditioning coaches worldwide as well as elite athletes from various disciplines. Many fitness organizations, such as CrossFit, TRX, KettleBell, HopSports, and MMA, have integrated Buddy Lee's program into their systems. He lives in Richmond, Virginia.

Greg Glassman is the creator of CrossFit, a diet and exercise lifestyle prescription, cultural phenomenon, and small business movement. The extraordinary effectiveness of CrossFit's program--constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement--practiced in a supportive community environment has made CrossFit, Inc. a leading player in global health. After decades of coaching and clinical program development, Glassman started in 2001 to share the "Workout of the Day" and began affiliating gyms using his methods under the CrossFit name in 2003. Currently, more than 14,000 independently-owned gyms and over 200,000 credentialed trainers operate in more than 150 countries. CrossFit has been recognized by the Harvard Business School as the fastest growing chain ever.