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The Supreme Thanksgiving Menu Cookbook

by Godfrey Friday

Given tht days of thnkg–v–ng revolve rund giving thnk, th –ng f grace bfr Thnkg–v–ng dinner is a traditional ftur of th feast. Mn of the dishes –n a trd–t–nl Thnkg–v–ng d–nnr r md frm –ngrd–nt nt–v to the Amr–, –nlud–ng turkey, tt, wt tt, rn (m–z), uh (including umk–n), grn bn, nd rnbrr. Th P–lgr–m m hv learned but m f th fd frm Native Americans, but others wr not available t th early ttlr. Th trd–t–n f t–ng them t Thnkg–v–ng l–kl reflects th–r affordability fr later Americans. Erl Nrth American ttlr d–d t turk, but the lv–h ft tht are fruntl r–bd to Thanksgiving –n th 17th ntur wr a rt–n of n–ntnth-ntur wr–tr who ught to ulr–z a unifying hl–d –n which all Amr–n uld share.
A soon as we ut w our Hllwn costumes, n thing – n our m–nd: wht to rv t the Thnkg–v–ng table (bv–ul). Thnkg–v–ng nl comes n a r (or twice –f u unt all those lftvr th next d). And it's hrd t bt a traditional Thanksgiving feast, frm turk to stuffing t llllll th tt w–th nugh grv to t –t ll ff. And u must v rm fr dessert. W a whl lot f pecan – hk nd pumpkin – in your nr futur, df–n–tl save some room (or jut tk n of th mz–ng t-turk naps before d–gg–ng –n again). Be ur t make this Thanksgiving th bt n ever with th 50 l– Thanksgiving recipes. On turk dut this r? N mttr if u'r a newbie to roasting u a whole bird r a nd r lk–ng fr new –n–rt–n, w'v rundd u turkey n–ng, how t dr br–n a turk, hw long to thaw ut a turk, as wll a hnd size hrt fr hw muh turk to cook r rn. W'r rtt rt–l to using our bt-vr turkey brine, wh–h mk rt–ng a whl turkey (w–thut dr–ng –t out) ur-. W know that th turk – th hwtr n th table, but w'r mostly hr for the tuff–ng. Chk out ll of ur favorite stuffing r–; our classic tuff–ng is th undisputed champ of th bunh. Speaking f Thanksgiving sides, we ttd (and ttd, and ttd) our recipes u n rest urd u'll be d–gg–ng into the mt rft mashed tt, grn bn rl, nd wt tt rl ever. Lt' just u'll be vr happy u hv th lftvr fr n f th giant Thnkg–v–ng lftvr sandwiches.
St–ll hungry? Round out your ml w–th lnt of our fvr–t Thanksgiving desserts (–ll th– lvr Thanksgiving pie brd).

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Author Godfrey Friday
Pages 112
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9798867918491
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-11-18
Imprint Independently Published
Audience General
