This fourth volume of The Hidden History of St Helens contains more forgotten stories about life in the Lancashire town that social historian Stephen Wainwright has uncovered. This 275-page social history of St Helens contains 16 chapters and is illustrated by over 130 images.

The chapter titles of The Hidden History of St Helens Vol 4 are:

The Cruel Treatment Of Paupers By St Helens Relieving Officers – How some of those charged with supporting the very poorest in society could treat them with complete contempt.

Those New Fangled Ideas! – How the people of St Helens took to new innovations, including the bicycle, motor car, aeroplane, telephone, traffic lights and the hearing aid.

The Church Street Subway Fire – In 1899 a 680-yard long subway was opened in Church Street in St Helens but eleven years later a freak fire occurred.

The Brothers That Broke The First St Helens Savings Bank – The story of how in 1850 the inaugural savings bank in St Helens was shut down after a giant fraud by those that ran it.

The Sectarian Riot Of 1910 – St Helens' Own Bloody Sunday – The last time that religious hatred descended into mob violence on the town's streets.

The Tragedy And Heroism Of The Sandbeds Disaster – The unofficial playground amongst sand dumps off Borough Road in St Helens that in 1930 took the lives of three children and how courageous rescuers saved many other youngsters.

The Coroner's Poor Box – This chapter describes how the misery of extreme poverty compounded by bereavement could be alleviated by small gifts of cash.

Spectacular Manifestations & Extraordinary Weather In St Helens – Accounts of strange aerial activities and unusual weather phenomena, including bee swarms, freak thunderstorms and an earthquake.

St Helens Dogs That Have Made The News – This chapter is devoted to a wide range of doggy activities that made the pages of the local newspapers with some comical and some sad.

Memories Of The Old Days – A collection of recollections of what life was like in St Helens during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The Petrol Shampoo At A St Helens Hairdressing Salon – Petrol was popular as it was a quick-drying shampoo that was said to give a nice finish to hair – but it was also highly dangerous as one customer discovered to her cost.

The Gorgeous Carnivals And Pageants Of The Past – This chapter revisits the celebrations of the 1930s when most people possessed very little but knew how to enjoy themselves.

“Dear Sir” – A Collection Of Curious Correspondence Part 3 – More letters that were published in the St Helens' newspapers, with this collection from the first half of the 20th century.

The Goings On In The Gamble's Central Library – Stories of the bookies, rowdies, lurkers, leerers and snorers in the library, as well as the women that fought for books.

Coronation Street Stars' Visits To St Helens In The Early 1960s – Including Violet Carson (aka Ena Sharples), Pat Phoenix (Elsie Tanner), Lynne Carol (Martha Longhurst), Bill Roache (Ken Barlow) and Philip Lowrie (Dennis Tanner).

The Weird & Wonderful Things St Helens Folk Have Said Part 2 – More short often comical comments that were made by the wits of the town – and the witless!

Feel free to contact me if you have any queries. Orders from within the St Helens district are normally delivered within 24 hours. 

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