All kidding aside, this is a must grade card. Period!!

Just came across this! And you will love it!!Found this DAN MARINO ROOKIE,in a hard screw down plastic holder!Man, I totally, forgot that the card came out of a fresh pack way back when, among others,and looked so perfect, I immediately bought a hard screw-down holder to preserve it. I loved the Dolphins and was completely thrilled for my good luck!! Wow. Sorry for all the chatter, but it's all coming back now. I bought this among many other packs.(Remember now, it's been over 35 years ago and thingsget a bit hazy when you are close to eighty)Ok, so to start my son's sport card collection of the Dolphins, I bought a lot of packs. And l really lucked out. Actually pulled out some more, which I will list soon.

You have to take a look at this card's condition.You can absolutely tell it was a Fresh pack pull for sure,and quite frankly, it really did look perfectly perfect to me.But please, understand. I don't know the first thingabout grading and won't pretend I do. So, you needto look at the pictures yourself. And, I took plentyof them so you could get a good closeup look! The best of luck bidding.  I hope you win! And, once you have it graded and decide to sell it, it is my hope that you will gain a windfall!

Best of luck and thank you for your business.