A fully painted and based Custodes Army, ready to play. More than 2,000 points painted in the scheme of the Aquillan Shield Host to a very high tabletop standard. Includes over $800 in models if bought separately.


Trajann Valoris- $45
Blade Champion- $40


Witchseekers x5 - $60
Custodian Guard w/ Spears x5- $60
Custodian Guard w/ Shields x5- $60
Sagittarum Custodians x5 - $60 + $31 (ForgeWorld upgrade set)
Allarus Terminators x3- $60
Allarus Terminators x3- $60


Vertus Praetors w/ bolters x3 - $60
Vertus Praetors w/ salvo launchers x3 -$60


Contemptor Galatus - $111

Contemptor Achillus- $111
all wrist options magnetized, shown in photos

Models will be packaged well, but some minor damage may occur during shipping, USPS be like that...