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511 pages




NAPOLEON, that man of great ideas, conceived at least one idea which it was not his good fortune to see carried out - that was, to have made for his own per sonal use a perfect travel library. Each book in this library was to be printed especially for it, in the best possible manner, and to be handsomely and substantially bound, but, by dispensing with wide margins and other non - essentials, and avoiding blank pages, etc., an elegant book was to be compressed into one - quarter of the space usually allotted to it.

Many improvements have been made in the art of book - making since the days of the great Bonaparte, and numberless bulky encyclopedias have been printed. For the use of any one of these, if he could have obtained it in his day, Napoleon would gladly have exchanged a fortune. But among them all there is not one which answers all the practical questions which come up for settlement in ordinary every day life. The compiler of the present work believed that it was possible to present in one compact volume a reference library such as Napoleon would have prized above a kingdom, one which, although compressed into one volume, would answer more everyday questions than all the other encyclopedias combined. In order to test the practicability of such a project, " THE LITTLE GIANT CYCLOPEDIA " was placed before the public a few years ago. This, although a much smaller work than the present venture, inmediately found favor; and when it had reached a sale of over one hundred thousand copies, which it did within less than two years after its first publication, work was at once commenced upon this larger and more compre hensive compilation. In this, as in the smaller work, it has been the aim of the author to compress vast masses of information into compact sentences and paragraphs as Cotter says, " to effect for bales of manuscript what the hydrostatic screw per forms for bales of cotton - condense into a period what before occupied a page. " The work has been done faithfully and conscientiously, and the publishers confidently present " THE GIANT CYCLOPEDIA " to the public for criticism and approval. Sugges tions as to improvement in future editions will be thankfully received and carefully considered at all times.

A few words more to the seeker after information : In order to condense and sim plify the material presented in this volume, much of it has been arranged in the form of tables, charts and diagrams, and the usual alphabetical arrangement of subjects was found impracticable as interfering with the author's design to make the " Giant Cyclopedia " an educational work as well as a work of reference. The information. given was, therefore, arranged under various headings in such classification as seemed to the author most desirable. Many items of information could have been appropriately placed under two or more of these headings. Repetition, however, has been carefully avoided. Therefore, if any particular subject is not treated of under the heading in which one would most naturally expect to find it, the reader should carefully consult the alphabetical index, which has been made full and complete.


Summary of Contents...

How to Remember ........ 7
Loisette's System of Memory Culture. 

Five Hundred Errors Corrected .... 13
Concise Rules in Grammar, Spelling and Pronunciation. Rules and Hints for Cor
rect Speaking. Rules of Pronunciation. Words often Mispronounced. Short
Rules for Spelling. Punctuation. The Use of Capitals. How to Write a Letter.
Hints for Writers, etc.

Synonyms and Antonyms ....... 25
A Dictionary of Twelve Thousand Words of Similar and Contrary Meaning .

Parliamentary Law at a Glance ...... 42
List of Motions Arranged According to their Purpose and Effect . Two Hundred
and Fifty Points of Order Decided on a Single Page .

Legal Advice ..... 43

Blackstone's Definition. Business Law in Brief. Agreements and Contracts.
Notes and Negotiable Paper. Partnership. Agency and Attorney. Landlord and
Tenant. Law relating to Farms, etc. Lien Laws. Deeds. Transfer of Property.
Mortgages. Assignments. Inns, Hotels and Boarding - houses. Bonds. Bills of
Sale. Guaranty. Corporations. Wills, and how to make them. Heirship to
Property not Bequeathed. Legacies. Duties of Executors and Administrators.
Dower, Marriage and Divorce. Rights of Married Women. Arbitration. The
Law of Finding. Bankruptcy. Some Legal " Don'ts. "

Business and Legal Forms ....... 57

Assignment of Written Instruments. Bills of Exchange. Drafts. Agreements.

Bonds. Bills of Sale. Bond for a Deed. Power of Attorney. Warranty Deed.

Quit Claim Deed. Mortgage. Certificate of Acknowledgment. Short Form of

Lease. Will. Bill of Sale. Promissory Notes. Sight Draft. Due Bill, etc.

Special Legal Information ....... 61

Mining Laws. The Law of Copyright. Directions for Securing Copyrights. The

Law of Trademark.  Patent Laws. How to Obtain a Patent. Points of Criminal

Law. Constitutional Law. Voting and Naturalization. Election Laws. The Inter

State Commerce Law. Internal Revenue. The Single Tax.

Insurance ....... 71

Fire Insurance . Short Rates Table . Life Insurance . Various Kinds of Policies

Described . Expectation of Life . Marine and Transit Insurance.

Stock Investments Explained ........ 73

Stocks and Dividends . Preferred Stock . Watered Stock . Dealing in Stocks .

Bonds . Coupons . Brokerage and Commission . Terms Used on the Board of

Trade . Cardinal Numbers in Seven Languages .

The Language of Flowers ........ 76

Handy Facts to Settle Arguments ........ 77

Interesting Facts , tersely stated , about Thousands of Subjects which come up daily

in Conversation , but concerning which it is usually almost impossible to acquire

Accurate Information . Some Big Things . Important and Interesting Dates and

Valuable Points in Statistics , History and General Information .

Names and their Meaning ……… 92

The Christian Names of Men and Women and their Derivation , Origin and Significance .

Facts About Railroads and Transportation .......... 95

Twenty Points on American Railroading . Train Management . Colored Flag or

Lantern Signals . Torpedoes . Locomotive Whistle Signals . Swinging Lamp

Signals . Capacity of Freight Cars . Steamboating.

Weather Forecasts ........ 97

Prognostications . Signs of the Weather . Wind and Weather Signals used by the

United States Signal Office . The Climates of the United States . Time Difference

between New York and Principal Cities .


A Dictionary of Biography ............... 101

The Names of Eminent Personages of History and of Our Own Times , alphabetically

arranged , with Brief Biographies . Rise of Famous Americans .

History at a Glance ........... 145

Historical , Biographical and Chronological Charts ( printed in colors ) suggesting

Names , Dates and Events , and designed for Ready Reference , and to aid the

Memory .

Political History of the United States .......... 161

From the Colonial Period to the Present Time . The Rise and Fall of Political

Parties . A Concise Summary of each Administration . The By - ways of American

Politics .

History of the Tariff ........... 168

Customs Averages and Tariff Legislation since the Beginning of the Government .

The Lowndes - Calhoun Bill . The Tariff of Abominations . The Tariff of 1842 .

Mills Tariff . The McKinley Bill . The Wilson Tariff . The Income Tax .

The Civil Service ........ 170

The Administration of Government . Appointments to Office . Examinations , etc.

The World's Chief Countries .............. 174

Condensed Statistical and Historical Information .

Colored Charts of History and Statistics ....... 177

Important Information on Many Subjects conveyed in the Form of Object Lessons.
Volumes of Knowledge condensed into Single Pages.
The World's Progress since the Discovery of America: Men - Events - Wars
Inventions and Discoveries. The World's Great Nations: Wealth of Nations Banking Capital - Steam Power. The European Balance of Power . Our Foreign Trade . Population and Education : Density of Population - Inhabitants per Square Mile, in 1820 and in 1890 , of the World's Chief Countries. - Education and Illiteracy - Percentage of School Attendance and of Adults Able to Read and Write. The World's Food Supply : Production and Consumption of Meat and Grain Acres under Grain. Politics since 1650: Political History of Great Britain and her Colonies and of the United States - Socialism in Europe - Strength of the Great Political Parties. Races and Tongues of the World: The Aryan, Semitic, African Oceanic and Turanian Tongues and their Branches- The Languages of Civilized Peoples in 1801 and in 1893. History of the World's Religions: The History and Statistics of the World's Creeds presented on a single page . Religions in the United States: Strength of the Various Denominations. Duration of Life : Interesting Statistics of Mortality. History of the Sea: Sea Power - The World's Shipping Evolution of Steamship Navigation. The World's Great Cities: From the Dawn of History to the Present Time - Memphis to Chicago - Growth of Urban Population in Europe and America. The Humanities: The World's Progress in Art, Music, Education, Law and Medicine - The Great Universities. Key Dates in the History of Labor: From A.D. 1349 to the Present Time - Wages and Prices for Seven Centuries - Skilled and Unskilled Labor. The Evolution of Electrical Science: From Thales to Edison and Tesla - An Illustrated Chart showing the World's Progress in the Mastery of Magnetic and Electric Forces. The Territory of the United States: The Climates of the United States . Telegraph and Sign Alphabets: The Morse and the Needle and Mirror Alphabets - Deaf and Dumb Alphabets The Alphabet for the Blind.

Medicine and Hygiene .................. 193

Diseases and their Remedies : Prescriptions by Eminent Practitioners - Pure Stimu

lants - Care of the Eyes - Care of the Ears - Homœopathy . Valuable Hygienic

Suggestions : Rules for the Preservation of Health . Simple Household Remedies .

The Care of Children in Health and in Sickness - Artificial Feeding of Infants

-Advice to Mothers . Contagious Diseases : How to Determine the Nature of a

Suspicious Illness - Cholera Rules — Protection against Bacteria . Accidents and

Emergencies : What to Do and How to Do It - Poisons and their Antidotes .

Hygienic Toilet Recipes : Baths and Bathing - The Complexion - Freckles , Warts

and Wrinkles , etc.- Ointments , Lotions , Creams , etc.- Care of the Teeth - Care of

the Hair - Scents and Perfumes , etc. , etc.

Memory Rhymes. ............. 228

Physical Exercise ................... 229

How to Become Strong . Simple Apparatus and Appliances . Exercises for Men

and for Women , to Develop the Physique and for the Relief of Dyspepsia and

Kindred Ailments .

Housekeeping and Cookery ......................232

Economy and Wealth , Temperance and Health in the Household . A Collection of

Original and Tested Recipes carefully selected by Kathryn Armstrong. ( Not a

single recipe in this department contains alcohol in any form as an ingredient. )

Some Valuable Tables for Intelligent Housekeepers . Boiling . Roasting . Broiling .

Frying . Cooking Time - Table . Soups . Fish , Oysters , Shellfish , etc. Poultry and Game . Meats . Curries . Gravies .

Sauces . Stocks . Vegetables . Salads . Pickles . Eggs . Catsups , etc. Forcemeats . Bread and Cakes . Pastry .

Dessert . Home - made Candies . Ice - Cream , Ices , etc. Preserves . Canned Fruits , Jellies , etc. Dairy Dishes .

Beverages . Sick - Room Cookery . Digestion of Various Foods . Properties of Foods . Tables for Housekeepers, etc.,etc.

Labor - Saving and Ready Reference Tables. ......... 307

The Census of 1890. Population of

8,000 Population . The Names and

names . Wars of the United States .

Principal Battles on Land and Sea .

of History . Slavery and Serfdom .

Ireland . Great Financial Panics .

Famines and Plagues of History . Great Fires and Floods . Qualifications of

Voters in the States . Interest Laws and Limitations . Facts about Poultry . How

to Tell the Age of Horses , Cattle , etc. Medicines for the Horse . Weights and

Measures . Handy Metric Tables . Practical Calculations . Short Cuts in Arith

metic . Practical Tables for Bankers , Merchants , Lumbermen , Miners , Iron and

Metal Workers , Builders , Contractors , Masons , Plasterers , Plumbers , Roofers ,

Painters , Glazers , Architects and Designers , Draughtsmen , Engineers , Machinists ,

Printers and Publishers , etc. , etc. Log and Lumber Tables . Cement . Facts

about Gas . Carpenters ' Work and Measuring . Areas of Circles . Circumferences

of Circles . Handy Facts for Architects and Builders . Horse Power of Engines .

Belting . Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes . Useful Hydraulic Information .

Boilers , Chimneys , etc. Specific Gravity . Tensile and Trausverse Strength .

Squares and Cubes of all Numbers from 1 to 500. Natural Sines , etc. , etc.

Electricity up to Date.  ....... 355

What is Electricity ? The Sources of Electric Power . History of the Science . A

Lucid Explanation of the New Marvels which Electricity has given to the World .

Measuring the Force . Electrical Terms Explained . Electrical Units . Magnetism .

Current Electricity . Electro - Magnetics . Dynamo - Electric Machines . Electric

Lighting . The Telephone . Electric Bells . Burglar Alarms . Electric Clocks .

Apparatus Required for Study and Practical Application . Directions for Setting

up and Maintaining Batteries . Twenty Test Questions Answered .

Useful Recipes and Trade Secrets ....... 369

A Collection of more than Two Thousand Practical Formulas and Suggestions for

all Trades and Occupations . Recipes and Hints for Mechanics , Artisans , Merchants ,

Architects , Builders , Contractors , Farmers , Poultrymen , Bee - keepers , Nurserymen ,

Stock - breeders , Housekeepers , Surveyors , Professional Men , and , in fact , all Classes

of Workers.

Etiquette. ........................472

The Rules of Good Society .

sation . Table Etiquette .

Etiquette of the Street .

Religions and Creeds ...

the United States . Cities and Towns of Over

Mottoes of the States . Geographical Nick

The Civil War - Numbers of Men Engaged .

Cost of Recent Wars . The Decisive Battles

Famous Giants and Dwarfs . Evictions in

Excessive Heat and Severe Cold . The Great

How to Get Along in the World . The Art of Conver

How to Carve . George Washington's Rules of Conduct .

Hints on Traveling . The Secrets of Success .

Religions and Creeds. ..........482
The World's Religious Beliefs.