RRR!  Antique ball donation - technician ball with miniature oldtimer modell car 1903 / Damenspende Ballspende Tanz Ordnung

Dance cards were objects containing all the information about a formal ball, such as the name of the event, the time and place of the event, the organizer, and the order of dances, including the music and composers. They first appeared at the Viennese court and were introduced to the rest of Europe during the Congress of Vienna of 1814 – 1815.  The German word Tanzordnung denotes a simple card or a booklet. There are also two other German words, Ballspende and Damenspende, denoting a combination of a booklet containing the order of dances and a corresponding original pendant making it a fashion accessory. In general, a dance card was a lady’s accessory, used not only for keeping track of dance partners but also as a souvenir.

There are also dance cards adorned with sophisticated Art Nouveau motifs as well as many historicist “jewels” from the period between 1880 and 1900 when the craftsmanship reached its peak.

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