Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

Fiddleback: Lv.3 - Higher

True Grain Slope: 1:30 - Higher

Growth Ring Angle: 10⁰ - Flatsawn

Size: Bolt-on or Dovetail with Heel Extension

Weight: 38 lb³ - Higher

Stiffness to Weight: 43,157 to 1 - Higher

Soft Maples are known for there high internal dampening, but Red Maples have the highest stiffness to weight, which works out wonderfully for necks. Red Maple is incredibly variable. Some Red Maples can be harder than Rock Maple. 

This piece is on the harder side. The stiffness to weight is even more than Rock Maple. Some people prefer light necks that add to the sound and some prefer heavy stiff necks that don't. At the thickness of a neck, Red Maple transfers all the vibration straight to strings absorbing almost no sound. Its stiffness to weight means you'll get a little more color in the high end. So it will give a little more sustain than a Rock Maple neck but a little less note clarity.

Harvested in central Pennsylvania!


 Nyle's low temp. dehumidification kilned to 6%. Equalized and conditioned.


Shipping charge is by location. Multiple items will be combined in one box.








(Dimensions listed in "Item specifics".)

*"True grain slope" takes into account the "grain slope" of both the radial and tangential faces of the wood. Aircraft grade lumber is a minimum of 1:15*

*Shown with solvent*

I'm looking for feedback. Please leave me notes as far as how you prefer part dimensions and construction or species you'd like me to change or supply.


