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10 Different Insect Green Ball Pen Set 10 pieces Education Specimen

Specimen Top Ball Pen - 10 different bugs lot


10 different real insect specimens encased in lucite material (half marble shape top part). The specimens are crystal clear, indestructible and transparent.


Size of the bugs body is 10 to 15 mm (0.4 to 0.6 inch).


Size of the lucite half marble block is 25x25x12.5 mm.

Length of the pan is 145 mm.

Weight of each pen is 26 gram and 230 gram with packing box in total.


10 Bugs:

Fortune Beetle - Popillia flavosellata

Blue Cockchafer Beetle – Popillia mutans

Spotted Ground Beetle – Craspedophorus mandarinus

Spiny Spider - Gasteracantha kuhlii

13 Star Golden Ladybird Beetle - Synonycha grandis

Golden Cockchafer - Popillia mongolica

Stripe Bug – Graphosoma rubrolineata

Shining Leaf Beetle - Acrothinium gaschkevitschii

Red Wasp - Vespula rufa

Big-head Ant - Pheidologeton diversus


These are handmade real specimen crafts. Each one will be a bit different (specimen size, color and posture) even in the same production batch.
The pictures in the listing are just for reference as we are selling multiple pieces with same pictures.



Fortune Beetle - Popillia flavosellata

Order: Coleoptera   Family: Scarabaeidae   Subfamily: Rutelinae   Tribe: Anomalini   Genus: Popillia

Size: 4 – 10 mm

Distribution: China, Vietnam

Great color change. Mostly all black or blue-black, metallic luster. Pygidium base 2 of  Xiaomao spot away from each other.


Blue Cockchafer Beetle – Popillia mutans











Distribution: China, Japan, Korea

Body size: 9 - 15 mm

Adult body length 11-14 mm, 6-8 mm wide, deep blue ribbon of purple, green flash; back of the middle wide, slightly flat, craniocaudal narrower, hip plate hairless spot; trapezoidal lip-reaching nine, rod Division 3, chest backplane arc arch obvious short-wide shield small triangle, big; Coleoptera short width, the rear obvious to a narrow, small-shield behind with one pair of significant deep transverse groove back with six shallow carved relief Ditch points, two short, slightly more than the midpoint of the back-end; foot black stout, the former foot outer edge of the tibia section 2 teeth, claws male in the foot 2, the claw is divided. Nearly spherical egg, milky white. Larvae of 24-26 mm long, curved in a "C" type, tawny head, multiple folds, anus
Hole-a horizontal cracks. Pupa nude pupa, milk yellow, orange yellow backend.
Living habits, hygiene generation, to instar larvae at the end of winter. From the south to the north in May to September in the adult day activities. Anhui Province in late August, more adult. At the adult fly, in an insidious and then flew to damage elsewhere, a dummy dead adults and more of the light. Although the occurrence of such as small blue-and-white beetles, but the damage long period, the individual parts of a large quantity of potentially hazardous.

Length 12 - 14 mm, color blue, green, a strong metallic luster, a Gouwen sheath wings and vertical arrangement was carved point near the base of the fin in the bottom of a horizontal groove Depression, and the foot of the same color, No abdominal terminal villi, living in the plains to the mid-elevation mountain areas, like visiting.


Spotted Ground Beetle – Craspedophorus mandarinus

Order: Coleoptera

Family: Carabidae

It can easily be recognized by the 4 orange spots on the elytra.

Ground beetle is a large family comprising some 20,000 species worldwide, mostly ground beetles to be found in leaf litter, under stones, and in soil. Many species have wings atrophied and the elytra fused together, so the adults are flightless. Adults are predacious and usually black in colour, Larvae are elongate and very active, and are fierce predators on small invertebrates in the soil.


Spiny Spider - Gasteracantha kuhlii

Order: Araneae  Suborder: Araneomorphae  Infraorder: Araneomorphi  Series: Entelegynae
Superfamily: Araneoidea  Family: Araneidae  Subfamily: Gasteracanthinae  Tribe: Gasteracanthini  Genus: Gasteracantha

Habitat: Gardens, wasteland, secondary forests.
Female: 7-10 mm.
Male: 4-6 mm.
Distribution: China, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Hong Kong, Japan.

The spiny orb-weavers are a type of spider. They are also commonly called Spiny-backed orb-weavers, due to the prominent spines on their abdomen.


13 Star Golden Ladybird Beetle - Synonycha grandis



Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758 -- beetles, besouro, coléoptères


Polyphaga Emery, 1886


Cucujiformia Lameere, 1938


Cucujoidea Latreille, 1802


Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807 -- coccinelles, ladybird beetles


Coccinellinae Latreille, 1807


Synonycha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1837


Synonycha grandis (Thunberg, 1781)


Coccinellidae is a family of beetles, known variously as ladybirds (British English, Australian English, South African English), ladybugs (North American English) or lady beetles (preferred by some scientists). The family name comes from its type genus, Coccinella. Coccinellids are found worldwide, with over 5,000 species described, more than 450 native to North America alone. Coccinellids are small insects, ranging from 1 mm to 10 mm (0.04 to 0.4 inches), and are commonly yellow, orange, or scarlet with small black spots on their wing covers, with black legs, head and antennae. A very large number of species are mostly or entirely black, gray, or brown, however, and may be difficult for non-entomologists to recognize as coccinellids (and, conversely, there are many small beetles that are easily mistaken as such, like tortoise beetles).

They are generally considered useful insects as many species feed on aphids or scale insects, which are pests in gardens, agricultural fields, orchards, and similar places. Some people consider seeing them or having them land on one's body to be a sign of good luck to come, and that killing them presages bad luck. A few species are pests in North America and Europe.


Golden Cockchafer - Popillia mongolica

Order: Coleoptera   Family: Scarabaeidae   Subfamily: Rutelinae   Tribe: Anomalini   Genus: Popillia

Body length 8-11 mm, Pronotum shiny metallic green, brown with vertical fin Alice stripe, abdominal end there are two white spots. Adult in the May-July, living in low-elevation mountains.

Scarabs (family Scarabaeidae, order Coleoptera) have antennae that end in a kind of club, made up of several movable plates. The males of many species have horns, which they use when fighting over females. Eggs are laid – and larvae can be found -  in soil, the dung of herbivorous mammals, rotten wood, and decaying matter. Some adult dung beetles use their hindlegs to roll fresh dung away in balls before burying the balls and laying their eggs inside. Others bury dung where it is. They can be found worldwide on dung, carrion, decaying matter, fungi, and vegetation; under bark; and in the burrows of vertebrates or in ant and termite nests.


Stripe Bug – Graphosoma rubrolineata

Distribution: Northern China, Eastern Siberia, Korea and Japan
The adult body length 8-11 mm, 7 mm wide. First black; Tentacles of brown-black, red yellow base 2. Small black-shield stripe backward unchanged fine,
Both stripe and the direct-shield edge. Foot brown-black, red and yellow legs of a spot; Back in black body and red pick-and longitudinal stripe, black head
Two longitudinal stripe, chest backplane six, small shields on the four films, both full-length. Physical ventral orange-red, some are creatures of black spots.
Leaves and adults in rural gap in the winter, the coming year 4, 5 with the activities of the host eggs on the branches. Early Age
Nymph clusters, scattered after the age of two. Major feeding carrots, fennel and onions.


Shining Leaf Beetle - Acrothinium gaschkevitschii

Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae

Distribution: Eastern China
Body size: 4.5 – 9 mm

This is a really beautiful little beetle with metallic red/green wing cases (elytra). The species occurs throughout China, Japan, Korea and is also found in Siberia. Apparently it’s a pest of grapes, so it appears on the “regulated” lists in the USA and New Zealand.

Leaf beetles (order Coleoptera, family Chrysomelidae) range from Cylindrical and elongate to round-backed. Many species are brightly coloured or metallic. The antennae are less than half the length of the body, which is typically smooth and hairless. Groups of eggs are laid on host plants. The larvae live inside plant stems. Pupation normally occurs in the soil. Can be found in subtropical regions and widespread on plants in all terrestrial habitats. 


Red Wasp - Vespula rufa

Order: Hymenoptera   Family: Vespidae  Genus: Vespula

Vespula rufa, commonly known as the red wasp, is a social wasp species belonging to the genus Vespula. It is found in northern and central Europe, parts of Asia, and northern parts of North America. Vespula rufa is characterised by red-brown markings and body segmentation, with the appearance varying amongst the different roles of individuals in the species. These wasps build small nests in dry banks underground that are not far below the surface. The colony cycle begins in the fall. Vespula rufa feed on live insects. One interesting fact about Vespula rufa is that the queen policing occurs in the species, and that worker policing occurs at much lower rates than other species in the genus Vespula. There are predators and parasites of the species. The species goes through a series of events before leaving the nest.


Big-head Ant - Pheidologeton diversus

Distribution: Tropical and sub-tropical Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan)

Description: Total length between 1.3 and 2.5 mm in minor workers. Body color yellowish brown to reddish brown in minor workers: reddish brown to blackish brown in majors. In minor workers: head rectangular with weakly convex posterior margin in full face view; mandibles each with 5 teeth; antennal scapes short, not exceeding posterior margin of head; each of the apical two funicular segments long, their combined length longer than the rest of funiculus; promesonotum relatively strongly convex in profile; metanotal groove deeply incised; dorsum of propodeum convex; propodeal spines long, with acute apices. In major workers: head proportionately large, almost square, with convex posterior margin in frontal view; anterior margin of clypeus straight, with a shallow median notch; mandibles large, triangular, with an acute apical tooth; masticatory margins without distinct teeth; eyes relatively small; ocelli present; antennal scapes 0.5 times as long as head; subpetiolar process present.


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